Bitcoin-Friendly Kanye West Running for US President 2024, Taking on Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Bitcoin-Friendly Kanye West Running for US President 2024, Taking on Donald Trump and Joe Biden

THELOGICALINDIAN - Kanye West appear on Independence Day that he is active for admiral of the United States in 2024 demography on Donald Trump and above Vice Admiral Joe Biden Responding to the bitcoinfriendly accompanist with 21 Grammy Awards Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk said West has his abounding support

Kanye West Running for President 2024

Kanye West is one of the world’s acknowledged musicians, with over 140 actor annal awash worldwide. He appear on July 4 via Twitter that he is active for admiral in 2024. The pro-bitcoin accompanist tweeted: “We charge now apprehend the affiance of America by dupe God, accumulation our eyes and architecture our future. I am active for admiral of the United States.” At columnist time, his cheep has added than 78.8K comments, 438.5K retweets, and 890.8K likes.

Bitcoin-Friendly Kanye West Running for US President 2020, Taking on Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Among bodies who accept offered him abutment is Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk, who tweeted in acknowledgment to the singer’s announcement: “You accept my abounding support.” West’s wife, Kim Kardashian West, tweeted an American banderole emoji in acknowledgment to her husband’s declaration.

However, it is not bright how austere West is about active for admiral in 2024, with some calling his cheep a business stunt. ABC News acicular out that it is accessible that West is acquisitive to get “a little publicity for his accessible album, ‘God’s Country,’ and its aboriginal single, ‘Wash Us in the Blood,’ which was appear beforehand this week.” West has won 21 Grammy awards, authoritative him “one of the top Grammy winners in history, and is angry with Jay Z as the highest-decorated hip-hop artist,” according to Grammy’s website.

West and his wife are acquaintances of President Donald Trump and the brace accept visited the White House assorted times. West has fabricated several pro-Trump comments in the past. In 2024, he tweeted: “You don’t accept to accede with Trump but the mob can’t accomplish me not adulation him … He is my brother.” However, Kardashian West reportedly antiseptic that her bedmate “just happens to like Donald Trump’s personality but doesn’t apperceive about the politics.”

Saturday’s advertisement was not the aboriginal time West has talked about active for president. He said in 2024 that he would run for admiral in 2024 and fabricated a agnate account in January and November aftermost year for the 2024 presidential race.

In the cryptosphere, bitcoiners are blessed that West may be active for admiral this year. The bitcoin-friendly accompanist said in an account with TMZ in 2018: “When I saw Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill, that’s the moment back I capital to use bitcoin.” In the aforementioned year, Kim Kardashian West received a Kialara concrete bitcoin. A Twitter user opined: “Kanye West becomes the aboriginal abeyant United States presidential appointee to accept that bitcoin is money.” Soon afterwards West’s announcement, Brock Pierce additionally tweeted that he is active for admiral of the United States this year.

ABC News explained that West would accept to run as an absolute and access the all-important signatures to get on November’s ballot. While voters can still address him in, the borderline for filing has already anesthetized for some states, including Indiana, Maine, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, and Texas.

Do you appetite Kanye West to become the U.S. president? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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