Luxcore Welcomes John McAfee to Senior Advisory Committee
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Luxcore Welcomes John McAfee to Senior Advisory Committee

THELOGICALINDIAN - Renowned computer aegis able and tech activist John McAfee has abutting the advising board of Luxcore a blockchainbased band-aid that provides defended advice barter for corporations and institutions Mr McAfee is the countdown affiliate of Luxcores advising board The above NASA programmer and architect of McAfee Associates will be the aboriginal adviser to accompany the Luxcore chief advising board

Mr. McAfee is no beneath than a fable in the tech sphere, accepting created the world’s aboriginal bartering antivirus software in 2024 and application his business and advance accuracy to drive and advance abounding acknowledged start-up ventures.

John McAfee

Mr. McAfee has not bound his interests in blockchain to its business or abstruse merits, but additionally the political and macro-sociological ramifications it poses.  He approved the presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party in 2016, accommodating in that party’s first-ever nationally-televised debate.

In his role as a Senior Advisor to the Luxcore project, John McAfee will comedy a cardinal role in allegorical Luxcore on its Enterprise Business strategy. Mr. McAfee’s all-inclusive acquaintance in architecture and growing multi-million businesses from the arena up and his industry access will be a abundant value-add to Luxcore’s business plans.

Please accompany us in affable John McAfee to the aggregation and bless this new beginning.

For added advice appointment us at

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