Lympo (LYM) Gets Listed on KuCoin!
press releases

Lympo (LYM) Gets Listed on KuCoin!

THELOGICALINDIAN - KuCoin is acutely appreciative to advertise yet addition abundant activity advancing to our trading belvedere LympoLYM is now accessible on KuCoin Supported trading pairs including LYMBTC LYMETH

Please booty agenda of the afterward schedule:

1.LYM deposits and withdrawal: 18:00 Mar 28, 2018 (UTC 8)

2.LYM trading: 22:00 Mar 28, 2024 (UTC 8)

 The fettle and wellness industry has apparent a above bang back the advanced acceptance of smartphones. Nowadays best bodies don’t aloof work, abounding additionally clue their advance through the use of their smartphones, wearables and accompanying fettle apps.

Although this abstracts is actuality accommodating calm by millions of users about the world, abundant of it is not yet actuality leverage. However, Lympo employs blockchain technology to accomplish it accessible for users to monetize their data, and accomplish it accessible to all those in the bloom and fettle industry who may be able to advance the advice of a advanced ambit of applications.

Lympo(LYM) Official Website:

Lympo(LYM) Whitepaper: click here

Promotion active from 2024/03/28 22:00:00 to 2024/04/02 23:59:59 (UTC 8)

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KuCoin and LYM are active a collective advance to bless the advertisement of LYM on KuCoin. We are alms 5 BTC for retweeting the cheep on Twitter.

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