Metis Launches MetisSwap Testnet
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Metis Launches MetisSwap Testnet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereumbased Layer 2 agreement Metis launched the testnet adaptation of its decentralized barter MetisSwap

Decentralized Exchanges are the best complicated appliance in all of DeFi. By ablution MetisSwap, Metis connected its adventure to authenticate the affinity of its Layer 2 belvedere with DeFi projects of all kinds.

MetisSwap is a adamantine angle of the accepted DEX Uniswap, enabling users to excellent and bandy Layer 2 tokens. It’s congenital on the built-in Metis Layer 2 Beta Testnet and advised with avant-garde features.

Testers will be able to:

MetisSwap was congenital to accomplish it accessible for anybody from DeFi-savvy users to absolute newbies to acquaintance the 1-second, 1-cent affairs accessible on Metis Layer 2.

Metis additionally appear that association associates who analysis out MetisSwap will accept the befalling to win absolute $METIS token rewards as allotment of an airdrop. To become acceptable for those rewards, users will charge to affix with MetisSwap Testnet by activity to, creating their own token, abacus liquidity, and swapping that badge with added tokens. Users charge additionally chase Metis on Twitter and Telegram and authority a minimum of 10 $METIS tokens (available for acquirement on and Uniswap) in the aforementioned wallet they use to analysis MetisSwap.

All told, Metis will airdrop 5 $METIS tokens anniversary to 600 able testers, already the analysis aeon ends on July 16.

The barrage of the MetisSwap is a cogent anniversary for Metis, proving that DeFi projects can run on its Metis Layer 2 Beta Testnet protocol. Several battling Layer 2 protocols accept begin it difficult to barrage their own DEX, admitting Metis has connected to prove its cachet as an avant-garde blockchain project.

Metis has fabricated cogent assets in contempo months with high-profile partnerships with key blockchain projects. In the accomplished month, the aggregation has appear key partnerships with launchpad provider PAID Network, blockchain basement aggregation PARSIQ, OroPocket DeFi belvedere OpenDeFi, and several added avant-garde projects.

Metis is powered by its built-in badge METIS that can be purchased on and Uniswap. To apprentice added and get the latest advice about Metis, appointment the Metis website and Medium page. Follow Metis on Twitter and Telegram

Metis is architecture an easy-to-use, awful scalable, low-cost, and absolutely anatomic Layer 2 framework (Metis Rollup) to absolutely abutment the appliance and business clearing from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Metis integrates the Decentralized Autonomous Company (DAC) framework aural its Layer 2 infrastructure. This appropriate agency makes it accessible for developers, builders, or association leaders to body their applications and communities. Its scalable agreement supports a advanced ambit of use cases, including crop farming, DEX trading, and powering the gig abridgement via DApps that action bargain and fast micropayments.