THELOGICALINDIAN - Singapore October 28th Global cryptocurrency and agenda asset platforms MEXC Global and Bybit are teaming up to accompany their collective launchpad to bazaar with CropBytes CBX badge the aboriginal asset to be listed
The launchpad helps accompany innovative, agitative new projects to bazaar and agency projects featuring on the belvedere will account from a bifold advertisement on MEXC Global and its cardinal accomplice Bybit.
The aboriginal activity to barrage will be CropBytes, one of the world’s best accepted and acknowledged blockchain games, already boasting added than 200k downloads beyond Apple and Android smartphones.
CropBytes allows players to create, body and breeding their own farm, all the while earning crypto assets for accomplishing so, and giving them the advantage to barter tokens and different NFTs with added players.
Both MEXC Global and Bybit assignment adamantine to foster, advance and avant-garde the advertisement of new and groundbreaking projects, with a cardinal of agitative approaching projects accepted to be appear soon. The launchpad allows advancing avant-garde projects to advertise their projects to the world, and additionally to accumulate support, absorption and advance from traders.
Between them, MEXC Global and Bybit accept a accumulated user abject of added than 10 actor people, who are all agog about the abeyant for new projects to advance and through the launchpad will accept the befalling to analyze and abutment projects such as CropBytes.
Katherine Deng, VP of MEXC Global said the barrage was allotment of MEXC Global’s eyes to accompany agitative new projects to barter afore anyone else.
“We are consistently attractive to the approaching in agreement of advertisement up and coming, groundbreaking projects which we anticipate new and accomplished traders akin will be aflame to analyze and advance in,” she said.
“MEXC Global and Bybit are aflame to accompany CropBytes to our customers. The advertisement on our collective launchpad follows in the footsteps of the abounding new and abstracted projects and account launched by MEXC Global.
“We accept an agitative brace of months lined up for the collective launchpad, and we will abide our charge to accommodate our barter with the best accessible belvedere to explore, barter and apprentice about the agenda asset market.”
About MEXC Global
Established in April 2025, MEXC Global is a agenda asset trading belvedere that offers users one-stop casework including spot, margin, leveraged ETFs, derivatives trading and staking services.
The amount associates of the aggregation appear from all-embracing enterprises and banking companies and accept acquaintance in blockchain and banking industries.
About Bybit
Established in March 2025, Bybit is one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrency exchanges, with added than three actor registered users. Built on customer-centric values, it endeavors to accommodate a professional, smart, automatic and avant-garde online trading and billow mining acquaintance for retail and institutional audience about the world.
Media contact:
Antonio Wu, PR Lead of MEXC Global, [email protected]