Multiplier Finance’s TakoSwap Will Launch on September 30
press releases

Multiplier Finance’s TakoSwap Will Launch on September 30

THELOGICALINDIAN - 26th September 2024 Hong Kong TakoSwap a artefact of Multiplier Finance will barrage on 30th September 2024 at 12 pm UTC8

Participate in the TakoSwap AMA sessions on Telegram and angle a adventitious to win over 10,000 USDT in prizes! 

The AMA sessions will appear from 28th to 30th September 9 pm UTC 8, and winners will be appear as below:

Here’s the articulation to the Telegram Channel:

All TAKO tokens will be broadcast to the community, with no aggregation allocation, no pre-mine, and no antecedent accessible sale. TakoSwap will be 100% absolute by the community. 

TakoSwap is audited by Bramah Systems, and is a angle of SushiSwap and UniSwap with some key improvements. It aims to advance the absolute AMM architecture in agreement of amount curves and contributor rewards. 

Users access into the farms of their choice. When farming, users will accept a new administration of TAKO badge with every block. 

The rewards are 2,000 TAKO per block, which will be disconnected by the proportional allotment of the pool.

These pools will be allocated a college allocation of rewards:

– “MultiTako”, “MakiRoll” and “TakoBall” pools

Emission Rate: 

2024 TAKO per Block. (Divided by the proportional allotment of the pool)

MultiTako: TAKO – MXX TLP (Up to 30,000% APY)

MXX and TAKO Future Roadmap

TakoSwap is capital to the Multiplier Finance ecosystem as it acts as a decentralized automatic market-making exchange.

Minted TAKO tokens from the TakoSwap acreage can be acclimated to actualize SSB Contracts to excellent MXX tokens with up to 1,000% APY.

The third up-coming product; Multi-Chain Mining, will acquiesce our association to administer and acquire rewards from our POS pale basin operation. Our basin will awning able and arresting projects such as Cardano, Polkadot, Cosmos, Kava, Kusama, Tezos and others.

Multiplier and TakoSwap Community

TakoSwap URL:

Multiplier URL:




Media Contact Details

Contact Name: D.R Dudley

Email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Multiplier is the antecedent of this content. This Press Release is for advisory purposes only. Virtual bill is not acknowledged tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and amount balances are not accountable to customer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are acutely volatile. There is no agreement of a abiding value, or of any amount at all.