ObEN and the Lippo Group Join Forces to Form Pacific Blockchain Research Institute
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ObEN and the Lippo Group Join Forces to Form Pacific Blockchain Research Institute

THELOGICALINDIAN - Leading AI aggregation and South East Asia Conglomerate to assignment with top Universities to abutment blockchain development and implementation

PASADENA, Calif., Oct. 1, 2024 – ObEN Inc., the bogus intelligence (AI) aggregation creating Personal AI (PAI) technology to accommodate agenda interactions, appear it is partnering with the Lippo Group to authorize the Pacific Blockchain Research Institute (PBRI).

The Pacific Blockchain Analysis Convention will abutment research, development, and admeasurement of blockchain technology throughout South East Asia and beyond. The convention will advance blockchain technology through partnerships with arch analysis institutions, key industry players, and government organizations with the ambition of accelerating blockchain acceptance and implementation. Areas of analysis will accommodate blockchain technology application axiological protocols such as Project PAI and currencies such as PAI Coin, to advice abate abjection common and to advance the tax arrangement through greater transparency. In addition, the convention aims to body its own cryptocurrency barter which will acquire and barter axiological currencies such as PAI Coin. The Lippo Group and ObEN will be abutting by the University of Indonesia and Universitas Pelita Harapan as founding associates of the institute, with Mochtar Riady, Chairman of the Lippo Group, confined as the aboriginal Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Institute.

“The Lippo Group sees abundant abeyant in the appliance of blockchain technology in our assorted areas of operation and are accordingly acquisitive to abutment the advance of blockchain technology,” said Mochtar Riady, Chairman of the Lippo Group. “Through the circle of technology, industry, and research, The Lippo Group looks advanced to allowance accomplish the PBRI a anticipate catchbasin and hub for blockchain activity.”

“ObEN is aflame to accomplice with the Lippo Group in basic the Pacific Blockchain Research Institute,” said Adam Zheng, ObEN COO and co-founder. “Southeast Asia has become an epicenter of action for blockchain, and we see abounding befalling for blockchain to be chip in abounding government, social, and bartering applications. The Institute will serve as a abundant way to affix industry players, like ObEN and Lippo, with advisers from arch universities in the arena as able-bodied as government entities to analyze how best to advance blockchain to accomplish a absolute impact.”

As founding associates of the institute, Lippo and ObEN will serve as analysis cases for how the PBRI can bear research, technology, and action recommendations that can appulse a array of industry use cases. Blockchain is a amount basic of ObEN’s technology, which appearance state-of-the-art, full-stack AI that allows users to actualize their own Personal AI (PAI) with aloof a selfie and abrupt articulation recording. PAIs are able 3D avatars that look, talk, and can apprentice to behave like anniversary alone user. In an accomplishment to advance aegis and abstracts ascendancy for the individual, ObEN has adopted to defended all PAIs and the associated user abstracts on the Project PAI blockchain protocol, announcement the conception of a new agenda abridgement centered about the use of PAI-based applications. Participation in the PBRI will advice accompany ObEN’s technology to abeyant users and ally in the region, acknowledging added analysis on abeyant use cases for Personal AI on the Blockchain.

The Lippo Group has continued been a colonnade of action in the Pacific region. Its operating areas accommodate retail, absolute estate, media, banking, healthcare, adaptable payment, and allowance beyond North America and Asia, with a able absorption in Indonesia. Therefore, Indonesia will serve as an aboriginal action for the institute. Through abutment from the PBRI, the Lippo Group will advance strategies to tokenize their businesses beyond the region, including the accepting of PAI Coin, and actualize an aberrant decentralized abridgement beyond all of their operating verticals.

About Lippo Group

Lippo Accumulation is a pan-Asian advance captivation aggregation with investments in absolute estate, administration stores, retailing, banking services, telecommunications, hospitality, healthcare, account media, and IT services. Over the accomplished 60 years, it has accustomed a archetypal for growth, addition and administration in industries and new markets. Lippo’s apprenticeship foundation manages 52 schools and two universities, including Indonesia’s arch clandestine university. Lippo’s healthcare action manages Indonesia’s better healthcare group, absolute 31 hospitals beyond the Indonesian archipelago, including Indonesia’s aboriginal and alone world-class blight analysis hospital. Lippo is committed to its eyes of “Growing in Stewardship, Transforming Lives”.

About ObEN

ObEN is an bogus intelligence (AI) aggregation developing Claimed AI technology that revolutionizes claimed agenda interaction, enabling never afore accessible amusing and basic interactions. The company’s technology allows users to actualize able 3D avatars that look, sound, and behave like them. Deployed on the Project PAI blockchain, ObEN’s Claimed AI (PAI) technology enables users to create, use, and administer their own PAI on a secure, decentralized platform. Founded in 2014, ObEN is a K11, Tencent, Softbank Ventures Korea and HTC Vive X portfolio aggregation and is amid at Idealab in Pasadena, California. To apprentice added about ObEN, amuse appointment oben.com.



Lisa Wang [email protected]