Opiria and the PDATA Token: Helping You Securely & Privately Monetize Your Personal Data
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Opiria and the PDATA Token: Helping You Securely & Privately Monetize Your Personal Data

THELOGICALINDIAN - Technology has avant-garde at such a accelerated clip that the all-around tech ecosystem as a accomplished has not accomplished abundant to abundantly handle the challenges it faces As an archetype admitting chip systems that assignment able-bodied calm thirdparty hacks are commonplace According to a contempo abstraction over 15 actor Americans abatement victim to character annexation every year over 4000 cyber attacks action circadian and up to 17 percent of the all-around online citizenry is afflicted by agenda annexation A Forbes abstraction begin that about 30000 websites every day become adulterated with some affectionate of malware1

Laws and regulations administering the uses and implementations of abstracts are austere and comprehensive, yet 8 out of 9 Americans are anxious about their privacy. It is accordingly somewhat abstract that ample companies can accomplish billions every year manipulating and monetizing clandestine customer behavior and spending patterns while accepted bodies accept little ability over what advice of endemic is about available, abundant beneath actuality able to account from their claimed abstracts themselves.

This is area Opiria comes in.

The Opiria platform, which runs on an Ethereum-compliant badge alleged PDATA, was conceived as a aqueduct for clandestine abstracts monetization. By creating a blockchain exchange for data, barter can put their claimed abstracts up for auction to buyers of their choice. From bloom information, demographics, claimed information, arcade behavior patterns, amusing media use, internet usage, and mobile-device data, Opiria can be acclimated to abbey claimed abstracts and advertise it to the accomplished bidder.

Data buyers are incentivized to participate in the exchange because of the angary of the data. Furthermore, because the abstracts swaps that action on the belvedere are logged in cellophane and absolute acute contracts, buyers can accomplish with the accord of apperception alive that they accept the acknowledged appropriate to use the advice they purchased, thereby attention themselves from lawsuits and bent affairs of any array accompanying to baseborn or break acclimated abstracts – article which makes account today on a approved basis.

Apart from the accessible allowances that would appear from accepting a accurate bazaar in which to barter advice of value, the Opiria belvedere provides the afterward allowances as well:

The ultimate ambition of PDATA is to actualize an ethical, trustworthy, and cellophane all-around exchange for claimed information. This action has been expedited by a clandestine auction that is to be followed by a accessible auction of PDATA tokens to added armamentarium the activity and to acquiesce accessible and clandestine apropos to participate in Opiria’s abstracts market.

Dr. Christian Lange is the project’s co-founder and co-CEO. He holds a Ph.D. in Human Factors and Ergonomics and a Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering. A consecutive entrepreneur, he congenital his aboriginal aggregation from blemish and grew it to added than $5 actor in sales in added than 20 countries in almost ten years.

Marlene Gaesch, who is additionally a co-founder and co-CEO, has a Master’s of Science amount and years of hands-on acquaintance including software development at Siemens and the development of an internationally acknowledged abstracts accretion and assay belvedere that has added than 1,000 B2B customers.

Opiria is added than aloof a atypical abstraction on a cartoon board; there is an absolute Opiria app that you can download today from the App or Play stores, and some of the world’s best celebrated brands – including Proctor & Gamble, Audi, Freightliner, Mercedes Benz, General Motors, Nissan, Volkswagen, Intel, BMW, and added Fortune 500 companies – are already application abstracts on Opiria for aggregate from business and accession real-time acknowledgment from barter for analysis and development to evaluating customers’ active habits.

The activity has already aloft $1.5 million, and a accessible auction is appointed to alpha on April 20, 2024. With 4000 accepted consumers application the belvedere alongside 50 abstracts barter and 4 sales ally who ensure the advance and ambit of the project, the abutting beachcomber of amplification is set to ambition China, South Korea and beyond.

Be abiding to attending out for updates on this agitative new action as the abutting set of artefact releases are fabricated and new markets are added to the Opiria network, and appointment http://opiria.io to accompany the accessible badge auction on April 20. We attending advanced to seeing you there!

[1] https://secureswissdata.com/data-protection-facts-and-figures/

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