OTPPAY – The Next World Class Cryptocurrency Exchange
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OTPPAY – The Next World Class Cryptocurrency Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - One of the better problems that the cryptocurrency industry is adverse appropriate now is converting crypto to FIAT Thats one of the best accepted issues and it affects traders as able-bodied as businesses Its adamantine to advertise a artefact for cryptocurrency back the bazaar is so airy Given this actuality your business may accept to ache in case of a bazaar crash

This is the botheration that OTPPAY wants to break by creating a world-class crypto barter belvedere area converting cryptocurrency to FIAT would be easier than anywhere.

OTPPAY thrives to arch the gap amid Crypto to Fiat. Their capital focus is to booty the crypto to the accepted bodies day to day life. Moreover, their agreement will abode the Transactions Per Second (TPS) & Cost Per Second (CPS) through amount equalization techniques and acute swapping procedures

Firstly, the cryptocurrency buy & advertise action will be abundant easier. With an eKYC analysis process, the user will be able to barter advisedly in aloof a amount of seconds. You will additionally accept the adeptness to accompany your coffer account, debit agenda or acclaim agenda and acquirement your admired cryptocurrency with FIAT.

Another abundant affection of the OTPPAY is the AI & ML powered cryptocurrency exchange. This agency that a analogous agent cantankerous marches the requests and swaps them, while accepting the everyman fees in the industry. Using a admixture of acceptable aegis (PCI-DSS) and crypto standard, the architectonics is congenital to action the best trading acquaintance in the market.

But the best absorbing affection is the OTPPAY wallet. For merchants, this agency they can calmly action a QR code where the audience could calmly alteration the funds to. There will additionally be a achievability of issuing NFC payments using cryptocurrency. In case these options don’t advice you, you can actualize your own arrangement application the OTPPAY accessible API – accessible to be chip with any merchant.

Lastly, the OTPPAY wallet will additionally accept a lending option, based on your Crypto Acclaim Rating which will be affected according to your affairs and added conditions. The lending affairs will acquiesce you accommodate 2x to 5x the bulk of your account sales as a abbreviate time credit.

Until 4th March, the OTPPAY will authority their private sale. The clandestine auction is advised to action the accomplished accolade to the antecedent investors, the bodies that believed in the abstraction from the start. Right now, there’s a 100% benefit in tokens – which agency that if you advance in OTPPAY in their clandestine auction phase, you would get the accomplished ROI possible. According to their website, for 1 ETH invested you would acquire 53,332 OTP tokens.

Their Pre-ICO starts on March 5th and ends on April 3rd. For 1 ETH advance in the Pre-ICO stage, you would acquire 16,000 OTP tokens and a 20% bonus. The aboriginal date of the ICO will alpha on April 4th and end on May 3rd. The benefit is bargain here, as for an advance of 1 ETH you’d accept alone 8,000 OTP and a 15% bonus. The final ICO date would alpha on May 4th and end on June 2nd – with a 1 ETH for 8,000 tokens barter amount additional a 10% benefit in OTP tokens.

On the ICO folio you can additionally acquisition out added capacity about armamentarium allocation, OTPPAY broadcast acquittal architecture, the AI & ML powered appeal boot engine, the team, and the approaching roadmap.

OTPPAY is a activity with the abeyant of abolition an industry. Even admitting they’re in the clandestine auction phase, the abstraction abaft it could be the band-aid for massive cryptocurrency acceptance by merchants and not only.

More Information: 

Telegram: https://t.me/otppaychat
Youtube: OTPPAY Youtube Channel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/otppay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Otppay/
Medium: https://medium.com/@atotppay

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