RACA Talks About Play-to-Earn Game “Metamon” in an AMA with LBank Exchange
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RACA Talks About Play-to-Earn Game “Metamon” in an AMA with LBank Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - Dubai UAE 22 Feb 2022 Recently LBank Exchange captivated an AMA affair with the Radio Caca RACA aggregation discussed capacity about RACAs PlaytoEarn Metamon bold bread-and-butter arrangement Metaverse and NFT appearance cooperation with universities tokenomics and abounding more

Radio Caca is the absolute administrator of Maye Musk Mystery Box (MPB) NFT and babyminding badge for The United States of Mars (USM) Metaverse – an MMO 3D Mapping Metaverse with the aforementioned appearance of Decentraland, while USM has the first-ever apparent affection on the bold bazaar globally – a absolute 3D Planet that can be proportionally zoomed in and zoomed out.

Metamon, the bold area RACA plays the role of “AXS” in AXIE Infinity, was launched by the Radio Caca aggregation on the BSC in October 2024 and has been planned to be broadcast into the USM later.

Maye Musk – The Valuable Mystery Box

The aboriginal alternation appear by Radio Caca is Maye Musk’s NFT. The acumen for this name is that the aggregation positions Maye Musk’s NFT assignment as the astral works in the Radio Caca bazaar and the absolute NFT bazaar in the future. Like the byword circulating in the community, Maye Musk, NFT Mother. It is a abundance box to get absolute NFT works. Holding the Mother Box will get the airdrop of consecutive NFT works and the accomplished address in the Radio Caca market.

The accumulating bulk of Mother Box is enormous. Maye Musk issues her own NFT on BSC, which represents a cogent and adumbrative accident for the absolute blockchain industry. Countless blockchain behemothic whales accept apparent absorption in this accumulating and appetite to authority it, back the absolute bulk of mother boxes is alone 6000, including #1000–1199 for Maye Musk and her team, and now alone added than two thousand boxes accept been issued, which allegedly cannot accommodated their accumulating needs.

Metamon – A P2E Game Gained Great Popularity

Metamon is a Play-to-Earn bold on BSC that has fatigued boundless absorption from the blockchain association back its launch. The capital focus of the RACA aggregation is to ensure that players and the association accept an amazing acquaintance arena this admirable and fun game. To advance the gaming acquaintance and abate gas fees, the RACA aggregation afresh appear a new adaptation that users charge to barter RACA for u-RACA (1 RACA =1u-RACA alone acclimated in the game) and drop Metamon, Metamon Eggs, Potions, Diamonds into the game. Currently, there are three capital means for players to adore Metamon:

In the game, players use u-RACA to claiming and action added Metamons. A Metamon gets 20 activity per day which will displace at 18:00 PM UTC every day, and anniversary claiming consumes 1 energy. On a circadian basis, players can claiming up to 20 times per Metamon. If players appetite to comedy and acquire added rewards they can artlessly use addition Metamon. That’s why abounding players accept added than aloof one Metamon.

Each claiming will acquire them Metamon egg fragments, and back players aggregate abundant fragments, they can be alloyed into a Metamon egg, which acts as abstruseness boxes. Back players accessible a Metamon Egg, they may win assorted NFTs which can additionally be bought or awash on RACA NFT Marketplace. The rewards in Metamon Egg may accommodate one of the following: 5 actor u-USM, 6 actor Donuts (the aliment for Metamon in the “Metamon Kingdom War” bold in USM), Potions, Yellow Diamonds, Purple Diamonds, 50 MPB, 6 Snoop Dogg or Grimes (also accepted as Claire Elise Boucher) skateboard NFT.

Metamons will accumulate growing their amount central the USM 3D Planet Metaverse. In the Metamon Kingdom War, the winners will admission acreage (more capacity to be appear by the end of March). Holding Metamons on Mars will accept characteristic blue-blooded titles and be accepted absolute treatment, access, and perks. There are rental markets in the USM, area players can hire Metamons to briefly admission blue-blooded titles and privileges and accommodate Metamons to adore a affable assets (currently, the busy Metamons will not be deployed in the Metamon Kingdom battles). In addition, abounding in-Metaverse assets such as the architecture blocks of architecture and agriculture are to be broadcast to Metamon holders as staking rewards. And staking Metamons central the 3D Planet will not change the buying cachet nor affect any use cases central the 3D Planet. As the bold progresses, added and added air-conditioned appearance will be added into the Metamon.

Metaverse Education – Cooperation with Universities

As a carrier that integrates the basic apple and the absolute world, Metaverse contains huge opportunities for bringing changes in education, amusing networking, content, office, and added scenarios. Since the all-around beginning of the COVID-19, the all-around apprenticeship industry has suffered a abundant blow, and the capacity of the industry accumulate consistently changing. About 1.6 billion acceptance from 192 countries, namely 91% of the world’s apprentice population, accept suffered an abeyance in their bookish progress. Online teaching has become the focal point in the accepted apprenticeship field.

In 2024, the abstraction of the Metaverse connected to be popular, and Internet tech companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, Tencent accept accelerated Metaverse basement development. ‘Metaverse Education’ has become a new battlefield of all-around agenda innovation.

Radio Caca and Cambridge University Blockchain Society accept appear accordingly architecture a ‘Metaverse Education’ arrangement to bang off the accepted upgrades of Internet education, which could accept abstruse implications to the industry in agreement of allotment apprenticeship reform, announcement equity, and implementing the education-for-everyone initiatives.

With Radio Caca’s connected development and deployment of technologies such as Metaverse, DeFi, NFT, DAO, accessible Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains, and cross-chain advice and bridging infrastructures, the RACA Metaverse (USM) Education World will anon barrage a alternation of programs.

About RACA Token

RACA has a absolute afire strategy. Part of the acquirement from Metamon games, as able-bodied as the NFT bazaar fees, will be burned, authoritative RACA agilely deflationary. RACA additionally has dozens of staking pools on three chains, including all kinds of staking plans, and they all serve the bold and the metaverse. Users can pale RACA to acquire NFTs, pale NFTs to acquire RACA, and pale NFTs to acquire NFTs.

See all staking pools on RACA’s official website:

Find the buy articulation here:

RACA arrangement abode on BSC, ETH and OEC is:

Users can acreage Metamon bold NFTs and USM Land with RACA tokens. Check agriculture pools here:

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