SMC Capital Explores the Secret of BiKi Exchange’s Explosive Growth With CEO, Ethan Ng
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SMC Capital Explores the Secret of BiKi Exchange’s Explosive Growth With CEO, Ethan Ng

THELOGICALINDIAN - BiKi Barter CEO Ethan Ng afresh cohosted Londons Invest and Trade accident with blockchain VC and advising close SMC CapitalAfter the accident Ethan appear the abstruse to why the barter has become so successful

The Secret to BiKi’s Success in a Saturated Market

Following a absurd black of astute console discussions and abode talks, Bitcoinist gained absolute admission to a clandestine account afterwards amid the two hosting companies.

Mik Mironov, Co-founder and Partner at SMC Capital, was absorbed to accept how the BiKi exchange had accomplished accelerated acceptance in such an already saturated market, and become a top 20 crypto barter aural its aboriginal year of launching.

In response, Ethan Ng remarked on the platform’s abnormally avant-garde business access that sets BiKi barter abreast from added absolute bazaar participants,

He continued,

Can’t Get Better Than Free

This accurate chargeless centralized business action has won amazing favour with new arising crypto projects, and BiKi barter already boasts 250 cryptocurrencies on its belvedere with over 150 altered trading pairs. It has accumulated about 1,500,000 users to date and reportedly has over 130,000 alive traders on the barter daily.

Ethan after commented,

This is in advertence to the Biki ‘risk agreement fund’ whereby the barter pays 20% of its annual profits into a abstracted annual that is aloof for compensating users in the accident of a aegis breach.

The singapore-based crypto barter accustomed a $5million advance from Jun Du, one of the Co-Founders of Huobi – currently one of the better crypto exchanges in the world, as able-bodied as a added $5million advance from Genesis Capital, Zhu Huai Yang, FBG Capital, ChainUP and others. It was appear that a abundant allocation of this advance was added to the BiKi back armamentarium to ensure users were abundantly adequate adjoin a arrangement hack.

What do you accomplish of BiKi exchange’s accelerated success so far as an up and advancing cryptocurrency exchange? Add your thoughts below!

Images via Bitcoinist

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