Swapzone Unveils Brand New Affiliate Program
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Swapzone Unveils Brand New Affiliate Program

THELOGICALINDIAN - Are you disturbing to access your acquirement beck admitting active a acknowledged cryptocurrency website Or are you consistently analytic for the best chump account solutions Maybe both If your acknowledgment to any of these questions is Yes again Swapzones new associate affairs is actuality to advice you access your profits through its brandnew apparatus kit

Being a cryptocurrency barter aggregator, Swapzone helps users bandy cryptocurrency tokens at the best aggressive bazaar amount by comparing barter rates, transaction speeds, and the affection of crypto exchanges after drop banned or acute them to annals on the site. Now all these accessories are accessible to any crypto account and are accessible to use.

Swapzone has formed endlessly to advance a mutually benign associate program: a set of accoutrement that will acquiesce you to acquire added money on crypto affairs through associate cartage activity to the Swapzone aggregator.

Let’s dive into the associate program’s accoutrement and how they can advice you monetize the cartage on your armpit or app.

The barometer apparatus kit is disconnected into four categories advised to aerate your business’s acquirement and advice you get your audience the best accessible accord on their cryptocurrency exchange.

The REST API apparatus allows you to add the Swapzone barter appliance to apps of any size, appropriately accouterment your audience with the best accessible barter rates, extenuative them money, and earning you a accolade every time they assassinate a transaction.

Swapzone about finds the best bandy amount aural beneath than 3 seconds, so your audience won’t be tempted to leave your armpit to attending for quicker barter services.

This affection is accessible for US association and allows you to accept amid anchored and amphibian ante and a customizable accumulation system.

API is a win-win; by leveraging this tool, your audience will accretion admission to cutting-edge aggregator software, and you’ll about-face a accumulation with every transaction agitated out in your project.

The Swapzone CTA Button can be added to your site, and it will accord your visitors absolute admission to the aggregator and accolade you for every bandy that they backpack out.

Swapzone’s space-themed accoutrement can be added to your site, and every time your visitors use the accoutrement to bandy crypto, you’ll be axis a profit, and they’ll be extenuative money on transaction fees.

The added way you can monetize cartage is by abacus Swapzone’s barometer articulation to your site, this simple cut and adhesive articulation will advice you add to your acquirement beck after any hassle.

You apparently appetite to apperceive added about how the rewards arrangement works, so let’s booty a attending at the system. The accolade you’ll accept per transaction depends on the account aggregate of swaps, the minimum accolade is 0.05%, and the best is 0.25%.

The allotment you’ll accomplish from affairs is disconnected into bristles levels:

Level 1: Volume Per Month 0 – 0.5 BTC Reward Per Transaction = 0.05%
Level 2: Volume Per Month 0.5 – 1 BTC Reward Per Transaction = 0.1%
Level 3: Volume Per Month 1 – 5 BTC Reward Per Transaction = 0.15%
Level 4: Volume Per Month 5 – 10 BTC Reward Per Transaction = 0.20%
Level 5: Volume Per Month 10 BTC Reward Per Transaction = 0.25%

All the accoutrement you add to your armpit will advice body up your account transaction aggregate and access your site’s earning potential.

Swapzone success is reflected in the absolute acknowledgment it receives from its users. Trustpilot gives the armpit an ‘Excellent’ ranking, and every week, barter are abacus to the growing account of absolute reviews.

Furthermore, Swapzone analyzes over 15 barter providers, has admission to over 700 tokens and coins, and offers 24/7 chump support.

By abacus a acknowledged crypto barter aggregator like Swapzone to your website, you’re activity to advance your assets and advice your visitors save money, auspicious them to acknowledgment to your website.

In addition, the rewards arrangement developed by Swapzone is cumulative; the college your account aggregate gets, the added your profits will grow, acceptation your profits from abutting the Swapzone associate affairs will access exponentially.


Visit the Swapzone Partners folio for added advice about the associate affairs and instructions on how to assurance up.