THELOGICALINDIAN - On September 1 2025 at 1200 UTC the KickEX cryptocurrency barter will acknowledgment KICK tokens KickToken account a absolute of 100000 at a amount of 000015 per token
The acknowledgment will be agitated out alone on the KickEX barter and according to specific conditions. To participate in the buyback, badge holders charge annals on the KickEX exchange, auspiciously canyon KYC and abode a absolute adjustment to advertise KICK in the KICK / USDT brace in the 24 hour aeon afore 12:00 UTC on September 1, 2025.
Anti Danilevski, Founder of Kick Ecosystem:
Why do a buyback? The accident is aimed at announcement the KickEX exchange and the KICK badge amid the crypto community, and, of course, to allure new users both to the barter and to the KICK token. It is not aloof accepted holders of the KICK badge that will be able to participate in the buyback, but additionally those who buy KickTokens afore the buyback, annals on the KickEX exchange, auspiciously canyon the KYC action and abode a limit advertise order amid 12:00 UTC on August 31, 2020, and 11:50 UTC on September 1, 2020, at a amount not beyond the acknowledgment amount — $0.00015. You can buy KICK tokens on added exchanges, but the acknowledgment will be agitated out alone on the KickEX barter according to special rules advised to be fair for all participants.
How does the acknowledgment work? The KickEX exchange buys back orders for auction with the KICK badge at a amount not lower than $0.00015. The character of this accretion is in its fair mechanics — actually every actor who puts KICK tokens for auction in the KICK / USDT brace will be able to advertise all or at atomic allotment of their tokens, provided their adjustment is almost small. Only absolute orders will be redeemed.
Date and time: On September 1, 2025, at 12:00 UTC, a acknowledgment adjustment will be triggered, and KICK tokens put up for auction in the KICK / USDT brace at a amount according to or beneath than $0.00015, will be bought in according shares.
How do I get involved?
Approximately 10 minutes before the alpha of the buyback, trading in the KICK / USDT brace on the KickEX barter will be stopped, and the accumulation of a basin of orders for the acknowledgment will begin.
Learn added about the acknowledgment mechanics
The buyback adjustment exchanges KickTokens for USDT in the KICK / USDT brace bazaar in according amounts from all users whose absolute orders are in the adjustment book at the time of buyback, at or lower than the acknowledgment price. This adjustment will be triggered at 12:00 UTC.
At the moment afore execution, the adjustment calculates how abounding KICK tokens will be adored from anniversary user. The adding is agitated out cyclically, which agency that for anniversary adjustment in the adjustment book at the time of the buyback, the amount of which does not beat or is according to the acknowledgment amount ($ 0.00015), the adjustment will assets a anchored amount of the KickToken in according parts. The amount is bent by the aboriginal adjustment in the adjustment book, for example, it can be an adjustment of alone 1000 KICK.
After the acknowledgment adjustment “buys off” a baby allotment of every absolute order, a analysis will be fabricated to see if there are funds larboard in the acknowledgment adjustment to buy tokens. If so, the apparatus will alpha the abutting aeon of calculations, reserving a baby allotment for anniversary adjustment in the adjustment book. Next, the aberration amid the abutting better adjustment in the adjustment book and the one that has already been candy is recalculated. This continues until either there are no adverse orders in the adjustment book, or until the funds in the buyout adjustment run out.
When there are no tokens larboard for the purchase, or the acknowledgment bulk is reached, the aloof funds are purchased. It happens once, at the aforementioned time, and the affected bulk is adored from anniversary order. Afterwards that, the acknowledgment is completed and the adjustment is terminated. Orders that are created afterwards the acknowledgment has amorphous are not adored and will be advised as if beneath accustomed bazaar conditions. Orders that were aloof by the agent at the time that the acknowledgment was triggered will additionally not be redeemed.
If funds abide in the buyback at the time of its completion, again it is completed (for example, an adjustment approved to buy 100,000 KICK from a adverse adjustment that had alone 10,000 KICK, and there were no added adverse orders larboard in the adjustment book).
If the aforementioned user has placed added than one order, their volumes are summed up, and all orders are advised as one ample order. Thus, those users who abode abounding altered orders will not be able to advertise added than if they artlessly placed one ample order.
Example 1:
Buyback adjustment for the bulk of $100,000, the acquirement bulk absolute is $0.00015 USDT per KICK. The adjustment book contains 100 advertise orders, 10 of them at the bulk of $ 0.00015 for the bulk of $25,000, and addition 90 orders with prices beneath $0.00015 for the bulk of $20,000. The acknowledgment will do assorted counting cycles, reserving 1000 KICK per canyon for anniversary adjustment until the orders run out. Then it will redeem all orders in the adjustment book back their absolute bulk ($45,000) is beneath than the acknowledgment bulk ($100,000).
Example 2:
Buyback adjustment for the bulk of $100,000, the acquirement amount absolute is $0.00015 USDT per KICK. The adjustment book contains 100 advertise orders, 10 of them at $0.00015 for $100,000, and addition 90 adverse orders for $200,000. The buyback will accomplish abounding counting cycles, for example, reserving 1000 KICK for anniversary order, the affairs amount of which does not beat $0.00015. Then, it will redeem KICK from anniversary adjustment in the adjustment book for 666,666,667 KICK tokens (worth $100,000) and end. Baby orders will be absolutely redeemed, ample orders will partially remain, but due to the actuality that baby orders independent few KICKs, added tokens will be adored from ample orders.
What will appear to the repurchased KickTokens? The adored tokens will be removed from apportionment and arctic always — in applied terms, burned. Tokens are not carefully austere so that there is no abrogating appulse on the assets of the KICK token, and does not appulse the token’s position in rankings. Perhaps after these tokens will be austere back their defalcation will not affect its baronial position.
The absolute accepted bazaar assets of the KICK badge (KickToken) as of August 5, 2020, does not beat $1,000,000. This agency that during the repurchase at the accepted amount level, 15% of the absolute aqueous discharge of the KICK badge can be adored if the amount charcoal at the accepted level, and up to 3-5% if the amount of the KICK badge rises by the time the buyback adjustment is triggered. However, we admonish you that the purpose of the acknowledgment activity is absolutely to allure traders to the barter and in its promotion.
The after-effects will be as cellophane as accessible and abounding capacity of the after-effects will be appear on our official website. We draw your absorption to the actuality that the address on the after-effects of the acknowledgment will accommodate the accessible nicknames of the participants, which users accept back registering on the KickEX barter automatically (nicknames can be afflicted in your settings).
This acknowledgment will be the aboriginal in a alternation of KICK badge buybacks to be agitated out on the KickEX barter and is accurately implemented for a baby amount, as this is an beginning acknowledgment of tokens and a analysis of the mechanism. Each time the acknowledgment mechanics will change, improve, and ambition altered audiences: holders of a baby aggregate of tokens, “whales” of the KICK token, and newcomers. Each new acknowledgment will be added interesting, technologically avant-garde and bigger than the antecedent one. You can chase the account and announcements of new badge buybacks on the KickEX exchange.
Participate in the acknowledgment on this link!