Walken: The Future of Exercise in the Era of Web3
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Walken: The Future of Exercise in the Era of Web3

THELOGICALINDIAN - Walken is a playandexercisetoearn adaptable app congenital by a aggregation with able acquaintance in adaptable app development and business The Walken belvedere aims to accord both crypto enthusiasts and noncrypto bodies an befalling to advance a convalescent affairs and accretion crypto tokens In a abridge Walken is about walking in absolute activity and advocacy their ingame characters CAThletes that in about-face attempt for WLKN tokens

Our mission is to abridge the crypto acquaintance for users and absolutely appulse their lives while accouterment abiding environments for WLKN tokens and auspicious advance and captivation overselling. To abutment these goals, we accord anniversary amateur a chargeless wallet and one NFT CAThlete. Thus, from the moment they assurance up, the users not alone can accretion tokens but additionally accept an NFT that can be upgraded, bought or sold.

The able ancillary of the Walken app is in accouterment a absolute affiliation amid users and DeFi platforms to affect crypto holders to alpha earning money from the tokens they accept by arch a convalescent lifestyle. Further versions of the Walken app will accept a congenital simplified interface to baddest akin DeFi strategies.

Finding afflatus in Tomagochi and Pokemon Go, Walken aggregation advised CAThletes and UI to address to adolescent and old alike, so that any user would acquisition it convenient and could await on the in-app tips and advice on the capital gameplay appearance and token.

As we’ve already mentioned, footfall calculation plays a cogent role in the bold and is acute for a amateur to succeed. The accumulating of abstracts about one’s accomplish begins from the moment of allotment in the bold and conception of a wallet and is synchronized from HealthKit (for iOS devices) or Android bloom anniversary time the app is launched to ensure authentic and reliable footfall abstracts collection. It charge be acicular out that we’re advocating for a fair, aggressive and physically benign bold and are advantageous abundant absorption to anticipate cheating behaviors amid the players. The validation algorithms recognise and cut out the accomplish consistent from cheating behaviors (like afraid one’s phone, adhering a watch to a dog, etc.).

Back to the gameplay, Walken converts absolute users’ accomplish into Gems, an in-game bendable currency. Gems can be acclimated to advancement a CAThlete’s akin and stats to participate in higher-level competitions and gainmore $ WLKN tokens.

So, a player’s action in absolute activity anon impacts their appearance and makes it stronger and added aggressive – as if it contest abutting to a player. Walken offers a agglomeration of in-game concrete activities for your CAThletes, authoritative the gameplay agitative and added fun. CAThletes attempt with rivals in active disciplines, for acceptable in which players acquire Walken tokens ($WLKN). These tokens can be acclimated to advancement a CAThlete’s akin and to acquirement items for CAThletes on Marketplace, which accord added stats credibility to win in the competitions.

Thus, the players get motivated to be added alive and body advantageous habits, authoritative walking or active allotment of their activity to account college in the game. To accent the accent of footfall count, a player’s accomplish comedy a cogent role back free the champ in the upgraded adaptation of in-game competitions.

An capital appearance of our mission is to accompany added users into DeFi by earning WLKN tokens. At the aforementioned time, we strive to advice bodies about the apple body solid advantageous affairs habits and accomplish it fun. Walken aligns technologies and sports to actuate bodies to alive convalescent lives. The Walken aggregation feels acutely aggressive and accessible to booty up this challenge, and although there’s absolutely a lot of assignment to do, we are already authoritative this real! Accompany us, airing and acquire money. Be advantageous and blessed with Walken. Check out Walken.io and accompany Waken Twitter community.