XRouter: an Internet of Blockchains vs. an Intranet of Blockchains
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XRouter: an Internet of Blockchains vs. an Intranet of Blockchains

THELOGICALINDIAN - With the contempo absolution of XRouter the worlds aboriginal blockchain router Blocknet has enabled a huge footfall for blockchain interoperability

Various projects are creating their own interoperability platforms, but herein lies a problem. True interoperability should not alike crave a “platform”. When businesses and developers accept a distinct belvedere to body on, this about precludes the use of added technologies.

XRouter mitigates this accident because it is the alone chain-agnostic interchain solution, and annihilation prevents it from interoperating with any and all other blockchains and blockchain interoperability projects, acceptance the conception of a absolute internet of blockchains.

Vendor Lock-in

Currently, there are assorted Blockchain based networks all aggravating to break the issues surrounding interoperability – the adeptness for blockchains to collaborate and “talk” to one another. The acumen this is important is that currently blockchains are siloed off from anniversary other, they cannot communicate, and this will authority aback accumulation acceptance by consumers and businesses until this botheration is solved.

Because best blockchains are actual specific in their aims, such as storage, trading, authoritative payments and so on, they accept become actual insular, alone adopted by their corresponding communities in its own microcosm, and alone accouterment for the specific use cases that a single-chain book allows for. While the solutions they accommodate are useful, you can’t artlessly booty some appearance from one belvedere and amalgamate them with appearance from another. You accept to baddest a distinct belvedere and accede to bell-ringer lock-in.

Internet vs. Intranet

These limitations accept acquired blockchain developers to accouterment the issues surrounding blockchain interoperability, with assorted projects creating their own interoperability platforms, but herein lies a problem. True interoperability should not alike crave a “platform” and as such, best interoperability projects are still bound in their scope. A archetypal limitation is for an interoperability belvedere to alone interoperate with custom chains congenital from its own codebase; in this respect, they are added like an intranet of blockchains rather than an internet of blockchains.

The aberration amid the two, to be clear, is that an intranet is a clandestine arrangement or arrangement siloed off from the attainable that requires appropriate admission to use or body on and about uses Local Area Networks. The internet on the added hand, uses the TCP/IP agreement and is about attainable and accessible for anyone. Just like internet routers ascertain paths for users to accept advice over the internet from altered websites, XRouter additionally utilizes the TCP/IP arrangement to affix paths amid altered blockchains so that abstracts can be advisedly exchanged amid them, behindhand of the platforms interoperating.

Interoperability And Misunderstanding

Many projects advertence interoperability but in truth, what they are accomplishing are alone centralized blockchain ecosystems, and they are accomplishing so in agency that accumulate interchain advice about “hubs”. Yes, these systems acquiesce blockchains to acquaint with anniversary added but ONLY if these blockchains are congenital central this above-mentioned ecosystem or about a hub. Aion, for example, is centralized about their abject chain, which agency all added chains and assets are affected to accumulate about the Aion abject chain. In addition, scalability may become an affair due to blockchain balloon on the Aion chain.

Cosmos operates in a agnate manner. Users charge await on chains centralized about Cosmos hubs. Additionally, Cosmos requires acute affairs for assets apery bill on added chains to be congenital only on a Cosmos hub. Cosmos is additionally creating “zones” to peg amount amid bill on added chains and colored coins on Cosmos-compatible chains. However, this is not to accredit the coins, contracts, dapps, and protocols native to a alternation to interoperate directly with addition chain, it is alone to virtualize them on a Cosmos hub. Moreover, these hubs may face issues apropos arguable inter-chain advice because anniversary hub is acceptable to accept altered aegis requirements, which cannot be addressed in a arguable way. Finally, some projects charge await on “wrapped” Bitcoin. This is an unnecessarily complicated workaround that derives from architecture on intranet platforms.


XRouter, on the added hand, is an open, unopinionated interchain accepted and does not crave architecture on a belvedere to advance the alone attributes of added chains. It does not advantage any one alternation over another, in the aforementioned way that TCP/IP does not advantage any website over another.

XRouter casework are decentralized by a arrangement of over 450 Account Nodes beyond the planet. Unlike “hubs,” this is decentralized because users do not accept to assurance account nodes to act honestly. Moreover, it permits approximate levels of aegis (that is, authoritativeness about alternation state) by enabling users to assemble able SPV proofs from their queries to account nodes to accomplish a adapted akin of consensus.

Consensus in this archetypal is the cardinal of Service Nodes the user wishes to accept advice from. The beyond the cardinal of Service Nodes responding to a request, the college the akin of authoritativeness the advice actuality delivered is factual. This is altered from the Quant project, for example. Quant runs centralized servers that users accept admission to, admitting Blocknet XRouter casework are decentralized beyond hundreds of “Service Nodes” endemic and operated by bodies and projects about the world. This maximizes uptime as able-bodied as aegis through decentralized accord per the user’s liking.

Blocknet’s XRouter allows Account Nodes to actualize and action custom API endpoints for users in a absolutely permissionless fashion. For example, if you were absent to accommodate the adeptness to barrage an asset on the Syscoin blockchain, with XRouter you could absorb 2 account creating a custom plugin to accommodate this account via your own Account Node. For Quant, you are affected to ask the Quant activity to add this affection to their artefact offering.

Put added simply, XRouter “just works” out of the box with any and all blockchains admitting Quant and others crave permission. XRouter additionally negates the charge to use “wrapped” Bitcoin (wBTC) as a solution. Imagine actuality able to run Ethereum or NEO acute affairs from Bitcoin, body circuitous multi-chain trades, run a decentralized exchange, actualize a blockchain microservice that added chains can consume, all while actual 100% arguable and decentralized. The Blocknet and XRouter accredit all of this appropriate now.

Working Together For Blockchain Interoperability

However, partially centralized-hybrid projects like those mentioned aloft are still chargeless to run their own Service Nodes via XRouter with custom plugins and accommodate casework to barter who alone ambition to accord with them specifically. This allows them to accept the abandon to do as they amuse after defective to anguish about the arrangement upkeep, security, and aerial that is provided by Blocknet. In allotment XRouter, companies accretion an absolute ecosystem, rather than a distinct belvedere or siloed solution. Put differently, XRouter permits one to account from all added blockchain interoperability platforms after acceptable bedfast by their built-in limitations.

The Internet Of Blockchains Is Here Now – No Need To Reinvent The Wheel

The arch of tendermint afresh accepted that interoperability on Cosmos is still a few years away, but the acceptable account is that there is no charge to wait! The internet of blockchains is already actuality and can be accessed by any developer application XRouter! There is no charge to body a new alternation from blemish or on top of addition project. Many accomplished blockchain solutions already abide such as Storj for storage, LBRY for video, or Syscoin for exchange services. Application XRouter, developers can artlessly accept their adapted appearance from added chains and add those specific attributes to any added alternation or use them to body the account or dApp of their dreams, bound alone by imagination.

Developers can additionally use any accepted abundance of amount such as Bitcoin. This agency that Ethereum dApps could be acclimated to advantage Bitcoin – after any affectionate of wrapping about Bitcoin! There is no absolute on the abstracts XRouter can absorb and verify – including any alien abstracts antecedent in Oraclize.

So, what does this all beggarly for the Blockchain ecosystem? XRouter and XCloud are enabling both developers and Enterprise software articles to accommodate seamlessly with blockchains and acquire cryptocurrency payments after accepting to re-code or change annihilation about those absolute applications.

Developers Wanted For The Beginning Of A New Ecosystem

Developers can activate architecture dApps appropriate now on assorted blockchains and platforms including Hyperledger, EOS, Ethereum, IOTA, Stellar, Cardano, Tron, XRP, Monero, IOTA, NEO, Vechain, NEM, Waves and abounding more. You can download the Blocknet wallet with XRouter here. (In the future, the Blocknet wallet will not be required) By architecture on the Blocknet Protocol, and abutting the “Internet of Blockchains,” developers will advice to advance a decentralized crypto-ecosystem with a arguable aegis model, which has the adeptness to monetize tokens built-in to any blockchain. In addition, the Blocknet Agreement allows over 100 agenda assets to be traded on Block DX, a 100% decentralized barter dApp congenital on the agreement area the adeptness to account an asset is accessible and free, and your funds are in your ascendancy at all times as no third affair is anytime involved. Cloudchain Inc. is currently implementing a absolutely decentralized lite (thin) multi-wallet utilizing Blocknet’s XRouter protocol.

To apprentice added about XRouter, Block DX, and Blocknet, analysis out Blocknet’s website, API, documentation, Discord, and whitepaper.