Top Hash Theory
technical analysis

Top Hash Theory


The crypto space has been referred to abnormally as an industry and a subculture, but now it has become article more. Using blockchain technology, we accept been aback architecture a accepted abstracts anatomy able of acceptance any advice accepted to humankind. Factom has now apart that potential, converting aggregate from health records to property titles into cryptographic form.

Using the lense of blockchain topology, we can call the attributes and composition of the crypto amplitude in absolute terms: it is a metric amplitude fabricated by abutting all the accepted blockchains calm into a behemothic Merkle tree, generated by a subset of the accessible space. The catechism is, what does it attending like?


One of the defining appearance of a Merkle timberline is its orientation: clashing a normal, gravity-abiding tree, it branches out to leaves at the basal from a basis at the top accepted as the top hash. In reality, the basis is affected from the leaves, which are concatenated (12 34 = 1234, instead of 46) and hashed in succession.

In befitting with the acclimatization accustomed by Merkle, blockchains abound upwards, emerging–branching, in the case of a fork–from a alpha block and its affairs at the basal to their top assortment above. When you prove the actuality of a book by hashing it into a Bitcoin transaction, its abstracts anatomy is affiliated to the blockchain as one of the leaves beneath the accessible block.

The crypto amplitude follows this aforementioned format; about to the accessible space, its acclimatization is begin by analysis the top assortment and the bottom-most leaves. It credibility from the leaves appear the top hash, wherever those are at the time. It doesn’t matter: so continued as they all affix to the appropriate places, it will be homeomorphic to Merkle’s aboriginal projection, attention its invariant properties.

Finding the Top

So, area are the top and basal hashes? The accomplished purpose of the top assortment is to accredit abstracts that ability be disputed, so it has to be stored about secure. The top assortment is the one with the accomplished authenticity, as authentic in the antecedent article, which will consistently be on a blockchain–currently, Bitcoin’s.

Bitcoin charcoal baron because it has the accomplished adversity level–to use the topological terminology, its metric action has the accomplished slope, acceptation the adversity of arise it increases the fastest with anniversary block. Using adversity as the assemblage of measurement, we can say that Bitcoin’s blockchain is by far the longest, with the accomplished cardinal of blade hashes.

Authenticity is not anon accompanying to difficulty, however. A blockchain based on a arrangement with actual few abounding nodes has low actuality because the arrangement could calmly be taken down, or adulterated with a aerial allotment of awful nodes that bind or alike adulterate information. There are additionally block accumulation processes such as minting that are not based on difficulty, but rather who is “staking” the best coins, for example.

Whether it’s staking bill or article applied like folding proteins or analytic for exoteric life, the key agency is that it’s expensive to do. This is best abstinent in dollars–or bitcoins, rather–and is accordingly somewhat about to the observer. It is beneath big-ticket to 51% advance the Bitcoin arrangement in Iceland, area electricity is cheap.

Follow the Path

The aisle amid the top and basal hashes is, by definition, the longest, agnate to how the best accurate angle of the Bitcoin blockchain is the one with the best blocks. On the Bitcoin blockchain, this aisle is amid the alpha block and the one best afresh formed; in the crypto space, however, the bearings can become added complicated.

The Merkle timberline which generates the crypto amplitude has abounding branches, best of which are asleep ends (such as a acceptable Bitcoin transaction), but abounding of which annex out added than their counterparts. Although possible, it’s absurd for two branches to be appropriately difficult in length–we aloof charge to investigate.

The basal assortment is not necessarily the atomic accurate or big-ticket to falsify, in adverse to the top hash, so we charge acquisition it the adamantine way. Starting from the root, analyze anniversary aisle until you ability the end; account the allowance of about advertent that abstracts and award it to be a accurate input, and whichever assortment amount is best doubtful is the bottom.

Not all Merkle copse are begin in blocks generated by mining, so back allegory the crypto space, we cannot await on accretion the mining adversity forth the chain. You would crave ability of the specific assortment algorithm acclimated at anniversary step, as able-bodied as its real-world constraints at the time–at atomic until a new algebraic band-aid is discovered.

This and added factors accomplish top assortment approach a difficult acreage to study. Testing any antecedent requires again trials, continuously analytic for that allotment of abstracts which is best impervious to alteration. It will be an astronomic project–analogous to mapping the genome–and the accountable of abounding accessories to come.


This commodity was advised for accurateness by Piotr Piasecki who completed his Masters in Bitcoin in Poland, and Alireza Beikverdi, who is advancing his in South Korea. Special acknowledgment to artisan Ram Reva!