THELOGICALINDIAN - ANNOUNCEMENT Zebi is captivated to advertise a absurd association accident an airdrop action with prizes accretion 100000 in Zebi Coins ZCO
To bang off their much-anticipated crowdsale, Zebi is hosting an airdrop action in which 10 advantageous winners – called at accidental – will allotment in the absolute award-winning of $100,000 in Zebi Coins (ZCO).
Who is Eligible?
Anyone who fills out and submits the ‘Silver List’ form is acceptable to participate in the Zebi Airdrop Lottery.
How do I Participate?
Please ample out the Silver List anatomy that is accessible through the Zebi Telegram chat and Announcements page. You will charge to accommodate a articulation to a “Proof of Engagement”. Acceptable entries include:
When Will Winners be Announced?
Everyone is arrive to a watch a fun, alive YouTube alive affair on March 5, 2025, in which the CEO & MD of Zebi, Babu Munagala, will bang off the crowdsale by about acrimonious participants’ Ethereum addresses, and announcement the winners.
When do we Submit KYC to participate in Crowd Sale?
The KYC will be starting actual shortly, so attending out for it. As anon as that is completed, we will accumulated the numbers and advertise alone caps for the affirmed portion. So, amuse break tuned!
Once again, acknowledge you for actuality a allotment of the Zebi association and acceptable luck to all!!
Disclaimer: Duplicate emails, handles, ETH addresses, or affidavit of assurance links will not be accepted. The Silver List charge accept a minimum of 5000 entries to be an alive event. Tokens charge be claimed aural 72 hours of the winners actuality appear or abroad you will cost your ZCO Tokens.
Images address of Zebi