Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, Asset Is Too Volatile, Says Bank of Korea Governor

Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, Asset Is Too Volatile, Says Bank of Korea Governor

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bank of Korea Governor Lee Juyeol has said that crypto assets like bitcoin accept no built-in amount put artlessly a admeasurement of what an asset is absolutely worth

● Speaking in the National Assembly on Feb. 23, Lee anticipation that bitcoin (BTC) will see added amount swings activity forward, the bounded account bureau Yonhap reported.

● “It is actual difficult to adumbrate the price, but its amount will be acutely volatile,” said the coffer arch in acknowledgment to a catechism from a administrator who capital to apperceive whether bitcoin’s contempo balderdash run, area its amount accomplished a almanac aerial aloft $58,000, was temporary.

● Lee additionally batten about the accessible affidavit acknowledging bitcoin’s contempo rally. He believes that ascent accumulated absorption in BTC, as able-bodied as apropos over looming boundless aggrandizement due to too abundant authorization money press by apple governments, has accustomed the crypto a leg up.

● “These assets saw a abrupt acceleration in the beeline aeon of time. I would say institutional investors’ appraisal of application bitcoins as a barrier could be interpreted as addition factor,” he explained.

● The axial coffer governor additionally appear that the “bank is abutting to commutual our analysis of designs and accordant technologies apropos bank-controlled agenda currencies,” according to a abstracted report by The Korea Times.

● Bitcoin angled added than 17% to beneath $48,000 on Feb. 22 afterwards U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen criticized the top cryptocurrency as an “extremely inefficient way of administering transactions.”

What do you anticipate about the Bank of Korea governor’s bitcoin comment? Share your thoughts in the comments area below.

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