Crypto Scammer Arrested in Bangkok After Fleeing With 500 Million Baht

Crypto Scammer Arrested in Bangkok After Fleeing With 500 Million Baht

THELOGICALINDIAN - A man allegedly abaft a cryptocurrency advance betray has been arrested in Bangkok Thailand He absorbed bodies into advance in his counterfeit crypto arrangement by able aerial allotment cogent investors they could acquire a 400 acknowledgment by advance in aloof 200 days

Alleged Crypto Scammer Arrested in Bangkok

A 50-year-old man who allegedly scammed Thai and adopted cryptocurrency investors was arrested on Saturday in Bangkok, Thailand. He approved to abscond with over 500 actor baht ($15 million), the Bangkok Post reported.

Major General Montri Thetkhan, administrator of the Crime Suppression Division (CSD), said Mana Jumuang, forth with his Thai and Vietnamese accomplices, allegedly colluded to blackmail investors in 2024 and 2024.

He abundant that Jumuang claimed to be a cryptocurrency guru, artifice investors into advance in Onecoin by able aerial returns. The CSD arch acclaimed that the doubtable told investors they could advance and acquire a 400% acknowledgment in aloof 200 days.

In addition, he and his co-conspirators claimed to run aliment to advertise appurtenances on a trading belvedere for Onecoin, including houses, cars, acreage plots, gold, aliment supplements, corrective products, and clothes.

It is not bright whether Jumuang’s counterfeit crypto arrangement is absolutely affiliated to the abominable Onecoin Ponzi arrangement founded by “Cryptoqueen” Ruja Ignatova. The arrangement is said to accept brought in about $4 billion worldwide. Most of the leaders of the Onecoin arrangement accept now abolished or been arrested. Ruja Ignatova abolished in 2017.

According to the Thai authorities, Jumuang initially paid assets to investors. However, back the absolute bulk of advance accomplished 500 actor baht as the cardinal of investors connected to rise, he and his co-conspirators could not be contacted.

The victims after filed complaints with badge at several stations, and a accreditation was issued for Jumuang’s arrest. He was arrested in May 2024 but was appear on bail. He after jumped bond and addition arrest accreditation was issued for him. According to bounded media, Jumuang has added than 14 arrest warrants. He able the law to alive at a abode in Bangkok area he was arrested Saturday.

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