Cuban President Discusses Adopting Cryptocurrencies for the 'Convenience' of the National Economy

Cuban President Discusses Adopting Cryptocurrencies for the 'Convenience' of the National Economy

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cuba has been actively discussing the achievability of adopting cryptocurrencies over the aftermost few months during highpolitical summits This time the admiral of the Caribbean island discussed crypto assets already afresh during a basic currencies affair on the acme calendar talking about the achievability to accede it for approaching bread-and-butter plans

Discussions Underway Despite Domestic Crypto-Related Scams

According to Periodico Cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel told bounded governors and politicians during a basic acme about a accessible accessible crypto acceptance appearance for “the convenience” of the civic economy.

He wants to appraise the achievability of implementing such decentralized technologies and their appulse on the country. Interestingly, Díaz-Canel is an cyberbanking engineer.

Although he beneath to accommodate added insights on the matter, the Cuban admiral promised to acquaint citizens of the latest developments about his basic currencies’ assessment.

However, during the meeting, Díaz-Canel added talked about an declared crypto-related Ponzi scheme, alike admitting he beneath to name the adumbral company. The admiral additionally commented on the dangers that agenda asset scams accompany to the Cubans:

For example, a Trust Investing adumbrative in Cuba, Ruslan Concepción, was arrested by the Cuban authorities on adulterous bread-and-butter activities accuse and charcoal beneath aegis apprehension a trial, said EFE via Deutsche Welle. There is no above advice on the origins of the artificial company, as best of its operations targeted Cubans.

Cuban State Political Party and Cryptos

Overall, the accompaniment political party, the Communist Affair of Cuba (PCC), has been flirting with the crypto industry, but with no abutting access yet.

As News reported in April 2020, some associates of the PCC appropriate that the country should accomplish its birth into the basic bill apple as “an another to face the accepted bread-and-butter crisis” that the island is living.

What are your thoughts on the Cuban president’s words? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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