THELOGICALINDIAN - A above ambassador from the nowdefunct Silk Road exchange is account his adventure in a tellall book and cine accord After actuality arrested in 2024 darknet adjudicator Curtis Green was complex in a camp cabal with base Silk Road board and was after told to affected his own death
Also read: Tales From A Dead Man: Curtis Green on Silk Road, Ulbricht
A Kilo of Cocaine and Half a Million Dollars of BTC
The Silk Road marketplace, launched in Feb. 2011, was the aboriginal darknet bazaar (DNM) that accustomed the affairs and affairs of adulterous narcotics. On Friday, a Salt Lake City media advertisement interviewed former Silk Road ambassador Curtis Green about his captivation with the aboriginal DNM. Green says he can about altercate the accountable now afterwards affairs his cine rights and publishing his book alleged The Silk Road Takedown. According to reports, Green’s memories and the Silk Road backstory has been angry into a Coen Brothers screenplay.
Green was complex in a adumbral cabal that complicated the Silk Road (SR) analysis because law administration apish his ache and had Green pretend he was asleep for a year. Before his arrest, Green formed as a salaried ambassador authoritative bags of bitcoins in acquirement by arising accounts and passwords to SR users. Back U.S. bureaucrats started talking about the darknet in Congress, several three-letter agencies began to chase for the architect of the Silk Road, an bearding amount alleged the Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR). According to Green, back law administration admiral acquired his Utah address, addition beatific a kilogram of cocaine to his house.
The above SR adjudicator said he didn’t apperceive the cocaine was actuality delivered and aback took the narcotics into his home. Not continued afterwards aperture the amalgamation of powder, Green was arrested and told the badge aggregate he knew about the darknet marketplace. Moreover, Green gave the board bell-ringer passwords and accreditation to above dealers affairs articles on the market. A brace of canicule later, about $500,000 account of BTC was baseborn from SR vendors and agents due to Green’s leaked advice handed to police.
“I feel terrible,” Green told KSL Broadcasting during his account in Salt Lake City. “There’s abhorrent answerability — I absolutely ambition I hadn’t gone to the Silk Road.”
Fake Torture and a Phony Death Plot
Following the cocaine apprehension and baseborn bitcoins, Green explained that U.S. law administration admiral told him that DPR capital the ambassador “beat up.” So they absitively to fake-torture Green and acclimated a affected waterboarding address to accomplish it attending like he was aching and beaten. Green again claims the agents told him DPR capital him asleep and asked him and his wife to accomplish a affected death. Under instructions from federal agents, the above SR ambassador and his wife created a artificial afterlife photo application a can of red soup. Green says he affected he was asleep for abutting to a year and never larboard his abode in Utah.
Green: ‘Bad Agents Were My Get-Out-of-Jail Card’
It was alone afterwards Ross Ulbricht was arrested in San Francisco that Green and the accessible begin out about the two rogue appropriate agents who blanket BTC from the investigation. Federal Drug Administration Administration (DEA) abettor Carl Force and U.S. Secret Service adept Shaun Bridges were bedevilled of burglary bags of bitcoins from the case and are now in prison. According to affidavit in court, aback in April of 2013, the ancestor of Carl Force anesthetized abroad and Force absitively to create an SR annual alleged “Death from Above.” Following the new contour creation, the abettor acclimated the annual to attack to blackmail DPR. Force’s acknowledged representation, bent aegis advocate Ivan Bates, explained that during this time Force was bubbler a lot and had cogent brainy bloom problems. Later Green appeal accusable for the cocaine delivery, but was let off the angle by federal prosecutors because he helped law administration admiral and because of the allotment he played in the Bridges and Force scandal.
“Two bodies that are artful abyss and actuality they were allotment of the government,” Green opined during his interview. The above SR ambassador continued:
Meanwhile, Ross Ulbricht is confined a bifold activity book for his captivation with the darknet bazaar and his ancestors continues to action for his freedom. The arrant bribery complex with the Silk Road analysis gives the Ulbricht ancestors acumen to accept the accomplished case was abounding with manipulation.
The Ulbrichts accept additionally created a address to U.S. admiral Donald Trump allurement for Ross to accept clemency. So far the certificate has garnered over 100,000 signatures. Green says his activity will go on and emphasized to the Salt Lake City media advertisement that he “can’t go aback and change it.” The above darknet ambassador added: “All I can do is apologize, accomplish abiding I don’t accomplish the aforementioned mistakes alert and move forward.”
What do you anticipate about Curtis Green’s account apropos U.S. board allurement him to affected his own death? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this adventure in the comments area below.
Images via Shutterstock, Twitter, and Pixabay.
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