Ghana Regulator Labels Crypto Transactions Illegal— Urges People to 'Stay Away From Them'

Ghana Regulator Labels Crypto Transactions Illegal— Urges People to 'Stay Away From Them'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ghanas Securities and Exchange Agency SEC afresh warned association of the West African country to abstain cryptocurrency affairs of any anatomy In the admonishing the regulator common that cryptocurrencies are actionable in the country and are not adapted by the agency appropriately Ghanaians should break abroad from them

Risks Associated With Crypto

In animadversion fabricated during an interview, Paul Ababio, the Deputy Director-General of the (SEC) asserts that “there are risks associated with cryptocurrencies and bodies accept absent funds to such transactions.” However, admitting arising the warning, Ababio does adumbration that his organisation ability eventually adjudge to adapt the crypto space.

However, until that happens, the regulator urges Ghanaians to “desist from accommodating (in cryptocurrency transactions.)”

Master Plan

In the meantime, Ababio reveals that “the agency is basic a fintech annular table as allotment of its adept plan to attending into some of these innovations and the access to take.” However, he cautions that this is still a assignment in progress.

A cardinal of countries in Africa are arch the chase back it comes to the all-around acceptance of crypto assets. Aside from places like Nigeria and South Africa, Ghana is one of the top countries in Africa with ascent peer-to-peer crypto barter volumes.

Ghana’s government has noticed the acceptance and the SEC has witnessed apparent belief of citizens accident funds. The SEC official additionally took time to explain why the regulator has undertaken to abstraction cryptos further. He said:

While Ababio has promised “some activity on that front”, he still fails to accord the exact timeframe aural which “the agency is accepted to appear out with a final accommodation on the matter.”

What are your thoughts on Ghana’s latest crypto warning? Please allotment your angle in the comments area below.

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