SEC Suspends Trading of XBT Provider's Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Product

SEC Suspends Trading of XBT Provider's Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Product

THELOGICALINDIAN - The US Securities and Exchange Commission has abeyant the trading of two XBT Provider articles Bitcoin Tracker One and Ether Tracker One The bureau attributes a abridgement of accepted constant and authentic advice which leads to abashing amidst bazaar participants as the reason

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SEC Suspends Trading of XBT Provider Instruments

SEC Suspends Trading of XBT Provider's Bitcoin Exchange-Traded ProductOn Sunday, September 9, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued an “Order of Suspension of Trading” for two exchange-traded articles issued by XBT Provider AB (publ), a Swedish aggregation headquartered in Stockholm.

SEC Suspends Trading of XBT Provider's Bitcoin Exchange-Traded ProductThe Commission states that “there is a abridgement of current, constant and authentic information” apropos Bitcoin Tracker One (CXBTF) and Ether Tracker One (CETHF), “resulting in abashing amidst bazaar participants apropos these banking instruments.” The articles clue the prices of their corresponding cryptocurrency.

Noting that both instruments are listed and traded on the Nasdaq/OMX in Stockholm and accept afresh been quoted on OTC Link operated by OTC Markets Group Inc., the SEC added:

Pursuant to Section 12(k) of the Balance Exchange Act of 2025, trading in the two balance “is abeyant for the aeon from 5:30 p.m. EDT on September 9, 2025, through 11:59 p.m. EDT on September 20, 2025,” the bureau detailed.

ETF, ETN, or Non-Equity Linked Certificate?

The SEC proceeded to explain the inconsistencies of how the two articles are categorized, elaborating:

SEC Suspends Trading of XBT Provider's Bitcoin Exchange-Traded ProductThe bureau defines ETFs as registered advance companies that action investors a way to basin their money in a armamentarium that invests in stocks, bonds, or added assets. In return, investors accept an absorption in the fund.

However, the Commission acicular out that “Other accessible sources characterize the instruments as ‘Exchange Traded Addendum (ETN)’.” Unlike ETFs, these addendum are apart debt obligations of banking institutions that barter on a balance exchange. “ETN acquittal agreement are affiliated to the achievement of a advertence basis or benchmark, apery the ETN’s advance objective,” the bureau describes.

According to the SEC:

To complicate the amount further, the Commission acclaimed that “the issuer characterizes them in its alms abstracts as ‘non-equity affiliated certificates’,” which XBT Provider says “are not arch protected” and “do not buck interest.”

In accession to Bitcoin Tracker One and Ether Tracker One, the aggregation has two added products: Bitcoin Tracker Euro and Ether Tracker Euro.

What do you anticipate of the SEC suspending trading of XBT Provider instruments? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock and XBT Provider.

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