US Authorities Charge Operators with Laundering $500 Million

US Authorities Charge Operators with Laundering $500 Million

THELOGICALINDIAN - US authorities accept accused the operators of Backpagecom of earning 500 actor in prostitutionrelated acquirement back the sites enactment and allegedly converting some of these gain into bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies as allotment of their money bed-making efforts

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The Dominant Marketplace for Commercial Sex

The US Justice Department has appear on Monday the access of, which it alleged “the Internet’s arch appointment for corruption ads.” Additionally, seven accompanying individuals accept been answerable in a 93-count federal allegation with crimes including cabal to facilitate corruption and all-embracing money laundering. The FBI and the IRS were amid the abounding agencies complex in the investigations.

“For far too long, existed as the ascendant exchange for adulterous bartering sex, a abode area sex traffickers frequently advertised accouchement and adults alike,” said Attorney General Sessions. “But this abomination stops appropriate now. Last Friday, the Department of Justice bedeviled Backpage, and it can no best be acclimated by abyss to advance and facilitate animal trafficking. I appetite to acknowledge anybody who fabricated this important access possible…With their help, we accept put an end to the violence, abuse, and affliction that has been perpetrated application this site, and we accept taken a above footfall against befitting women and accouchement beyond America safe.”

$500 Million Money Laundering

US Authorities Charge Operators With Bed-making $500 MillionAccording to the indictment, corruption ads accept enabled Backpage to acquire $500 actor back its birth in 2004, with every dollar abounding into its coffers apery the gain of actionable activity. And afterwards acclaim agenda companies chock-full processing payments for Backpage, its operators additionally active an arrangement of money bed-making strategies – according to the allegation – including converting chump payments and the gain of the site’s business in and out of cryptocurrency.

Chief Don Fort of IRS Criminal Investigation said: “The masterminds abaft Backpage are not alone declared to accept committed arrant amounts of cyberbanking crimes such as money laundering, they did so at the amount of innocent women and children. While these types of investigations can be fabricated added arduous with the use of basic currency, adopted banking, and the anonymity of the Internet, it should serve as an archetype to all abyss that there is not a abode they can adumbrate area we will not acquisition them.”

As we appear before, US authorities accept fabricated agnate allegation adjoin Backpage in the accomplished but the accuse were absolved by the cloister on the area of chargeless accent protections for online publishers.

Will these accuse adjoin the armpit eventually be alone too? Share your thoughts in the comments area below. 

Images address of Shutterstock, DOJ.

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