Securing Your Most Valuable Asset: The Future Of Personal Data
robert wensley

Securing Your Most Valuable Asset: The Future Of Personal Data


In 2017, The Economist appear that the best admired ability on the planet is data, yet we accord it out for chargeless every distinct day. This amount is not absent on the companies that ascendancy data. Facebook’s aspersion with Cambridge Analytica has apparent aloof how advantageous this claimed abstracts is, and how common and alarming the abusage of it can be.

Sometimes it’s not alike the third parties that are award means to profit. For example, a contempo address in the Wall Street Journal begin that Facebook approved to access banking abstracts users were casual through to their banks on Messenger (e.g. chats with the banks’ Messenger bots).

But the Cambridge Analytica aspersion addled a accurate ambit in a way no added aperture has, with Pew Research assuming 42 percent of Facebook’s users are at atomic “taking a break” from the belvedere due to the abstracts controversy.

I accept the aspersion has had a abiding appulse for a cardinal of reasons. First, Cambridge Analytica falsely acclimated the pretense of “research” for this abstracts that would after be politically “weaponized.” In addition, the use of psychographics – psychology-based advice and abstracts to access millions of bodies to amplitude elections – was aberrant and massively disturbing.

Finally, the Cambridge Analytica aspersion came as the acme of abounding incidents in which above companies bootless to accumulate our abstracts secure. There was aboriginal the big Linkedin abstracts breach, which was again askew by the Equifax breach, area an estimated 142 actor Americans absent their amusing aegis numbers and added claimed identifiable information.

Half of the bodies account this appropriate now accept amusing aegis numbers that are traded on the aphotic web because of the Equifax breach. Overall, the cardinal of abstracts breaches per year added than angled from 2024 to 2024. Clearly, accepted approaches for attention user abstracts are not working.

GDPR: Right intention, amiss solution

As a abstracts scientist, I apperceive it’s not a amount of if addition aperture occurs, but when. And aloof as Cambridge Analytica askew Equifax afore it, at atomic in agreement of cultural and political influence, the abutting abstracts aperture will acknowledge our vulnerabilities in aberrant and abominable new ways.

So how can we safeguard, or at atomic bigger insulate, ourselves adjoin such breaches in the future? One accessible band-aid could be laws like those anesthetized and implemented by the European Union – the General Abstracts Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR, as it applies to all European businesses and all American businesses that accept European abstracts on their servers, basically gives consumers the appropriate to both admission and annul the abstracts companies accept stored on them.

This is absolutely a footfall in the appropriate direction, but don’t get too excited. Legislation isn’t a abracadabra baton that makes everyone’s abstracts aback absolutely safe. It doesn’t alike beggarly anybody is acknowledging with the basal precepts of new regulations. A contempo analysis begin that GDPR compliance was college alfresco of Europe, and that 70 percent of companies bootless to acknowledge to alone requests for clandestine abstracts aural 30 days.

That’s bold jurisdictions alfresco the EU, like the United States, alike accomplish an attack at aldermanic redress. Any such customer aegis in the United States would face a abundant college bar to passage, with above tech companies abiding to antechamber adjoin added laws that could advance to beneath user abstracts rewards and cher compliance.

At the end of the day, legislation is never activity to absolutely fix the accurate basal dynamic: as continued as there is added amount in application or abusing this data, whether by bad actors like hackers or Cambridge Analytica, or by ample companies themselves, no absolute change will booty place.

In agreement of customer recourse in the deathwatch of Cambridge Analytica, the best accepted has been the #DeleteFacebook movement. I’m abiding it’s been a absolutely bad year for the Facebook advance team, but these types of user-driven backlashes are absolutely not activity to breach the basal problems, alike with 42 percent of users “taking a break.”

Stopping alternation with these services, and assuming like they never existed, isn’t a astute wide-scale band-aid to the problem. The able networking furnishings of these applications accept accustomed them to become too built-in in our circadian lives to let go of them completely. In addition, they do accommodate amount to the world, admitting the aegis and aloofness tradeoffs.

A Way Forward: Shifting Control of Data from Companies to Consumers

As continued as we abundance our abstracts on centralized servers, and as continued as the companies autumn that abstracts are authoritative billions, nothing’s activity to stop bent abstracts breaches or the bendable corruption of agenda character by advertisers and others.

The alone possible, abiding band-aid will be alive the control, aegis and accumulation of one’s own abstracts from the association to the consumer. When consumers apprehend how admired their abstracts is and how abundant companies accomplish off of it, and as this amount grows by the year amidst advancing abstracts breaches, it will become an alike bigger antecedence for consumers.

Technology is starting to coin the accoutrement to accomplish what already seemed about impossible, and the best aqueduct is decentralization via blockchain technology. The axiological amount hypothesis of the blockchain fits altogether with this eyes of claimed abstracts control. Blockchain technology is basically a assurance apparatus that allows one to collaborate with added bodies after arbitration by a third party, or by those ample companies that accumulate corruption our data.

While blockchain technology has initially fabricated the bigger burst in peer-to-peer finance, via bitcoin, ether and hundreds of altered types of tokens, decentralized technologies will arguably accept a agnate appulse in how we abundance data.

Platforms like Napster and BitTorrent accept already somewhat alien the internet user to the abstraction of decentralized book accumulator and “sharding,” admitting these platforms were abundantly acclimated for media. Coupled with the blockchain, it will not be too continued afore we can adore the aforementioned capabilities with our own claimed data. Cloud-storage startups like Sia, Filecoin, Storj, Stokit, and Maidsafe are already introducing such capabilities.

As these above abstracts breaches accept shown, the best admiral of claimed abstracts are the owners of that data. The approaching technology bang will be led by the types of companies that empower users to be those stewards, rather than to try and do that job for them.

The Future

In the future, blockchain technology accompanying with decentralized billow accumulator will empower consumers to own their data, ascendancy who has admission to it, and acquire a accumulation by administration it with companies they trust. Decentralized technologies will actualize absolute accuracy and will anticipate centralized abstracts breaches from occurring.

Data silos will be broken bottomward by consumers affairs their abstracts calm on decentralized billow platforms. Consumers will use their decentralized abstracts profiles to login to and accouterment admission to a new bearing of applications that will allotment abstracts amidst anniversary other, through the consumer.

Many businesses will additionally accumulation from this new future. Businesses will buy abstracts anon from consumers because the abstracts will be abundant added accurate, and accommodate abounding added abstracts credibility than what can be bought from abstracts brokers.

Businesses will additionally accept admission to a lot added real-time abstracts that is abundant added admired than the changeless abstracts sets they buy from abstracts brokers today. Conventional abstracts brokers will lose bazaar allotment in the aforementioned way Taxis absent bazaar allotment to Uber. With admission to added abstracts that is added authentic than anytime before, software and AI addition will explode.

The about-face in ascendancy of abstracts from companies to consumers is inevitable. The alone catechism is the timing. When the about-face happens, we will all alive in a abundant bigger apple than we do today.

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