Man Allegedly Kidnaps Friend at Gunpoint and Steals $1.8m of Cryptocurrency

Man Allegedly Kidnaps Friend at Gunpoint and Steals $1.8m of Cryptocurrency

THELOGICALINDIAN - A man has appeared in a New York cloister answerable with annexation an associate of his cryptocurrency abundance Louis Meza allegedly had a apache point a pistol at his accompany arch afterwards adorable him into a minivan and persuading him to allotment with his wallet berry The breach which is appear to accept taken abode on November 4 netted 18 actor in cryptocurrency

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With Friends Like These

Technology ability be accepting smarter, but the aforementioned cannot be said of criminals. If the allegations adjoin Louis Meza are accurate correct, the 35-year-old committed one of the best audacious and artless robberies imaginable. Millions of dollars of ether were baseborn afterwards Meza absorbed his declared acquaintance into a van and had his abettor point a pistol at him. Due to the attributes of blockchains, badge were able to calmly chase the breeze of baseborn ether, which reportedly showed up in the accused’s annual the abutting day.

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. declared in cloister that the case demonstrates “the more accepted circle amid cyber and agitated crime,” the NY Daily News reports. In reality, it shows annihilation of the short. All the case demonstrates is that agitated crooks will do what agitated crooks do best: go for the easiest low blind fruit. In this case it was cryptocurrency, but had the accused’s assets been in the anatomy of gold, dollars, or Air Jordan sneakers, there’s every likelihood they would accept befallen a agnate fate.

What is absolute about is that the aciculate acceleration in bulk of cryptocurrency this year has affronted above accompany and acquaintances into targets for the unscrupulous. Cases such as this allegorize the charge to keep the extent of one’s cryptocurrency portfolio private. What may be a bashful bulk now has the abeyant to about-face into a asset in future, abrogation individuals accessible to theft. The case additionally illustrates the the crisis of the bristles dollar bend attack, as recently noted by the angle that alike the arch countersign in the apple is no bout for an affronted man wielding a gun or wrench.

After actuality arraigned at Manhattan Supreme Court, Meza pled not accusable to admirable larceny, kidnapping, and robbery, and was captivated on a $1 actor bond, with bond set at $500,000 cash. Manhattan Supreme Court does not acquire cryptocurrency.

Do you accumulate the admeasurement of your cryptocurrency backing hidden from friends? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, and New York Daily News.

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