THELOGICALINDIAN - Uphold users accept acquired admission to loans from Salt Lending application crypto backing such as bitcoin banknote BCH as accessory The agenda money belvedere has added than 15 actor users globally and has powered over 5 billion in transactions
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Uphold Partners With Salt Lending
Digital money belvedere Uphold has appear a affiliation with Salt Lending to accommodate its users with banknote or stablecoin loans application cryptocurrencies as collateral. Uphold users can now defended loans through Salt adjoin their backing in BCH, BTC, ETH, DASH and XRP.
In accession to bringing arch acclaim solutions to Uphold users, Salt has chip Uphold wallets into its own platform, acceptance the company’s growing user abject to admission Uphold’s articles through their dashboard. The affiliation is aimed at streamlining the lending acquaintance for aggregate users through seamless accessory transfers and accommodation advance payouts.
“Salt has accustomed its users the adaptability to admission loans application their cryptocurrency holdings. Our affiliation with the Salt belvedere allows us to abound our account alms and provides addition real-world use case for Uphold members,” said Robin O’Connell, Chief Revenue Officer at Uphold.
With a crypto-backed accommodation from Salt, Uphold users can alleviate clamminess from their crypto assets after accepting to advertise them. Unlike acceptable banking institutions, Salt allows barter to use their crypto assets as accessory to defended a banknote (USD) or stablecoin accommodation in as little as 24 hours.
The aggregation explained that back applying for a accommodation through Salt, Uphold users can adapt their accommodation by allotment their adopted accommodation type, accommodation amount, duration, and Loan-to-Value (LTV) arrangement with options alignment from 30% to 70%. There are no acclaim or assets checks appropriate and no alpha or accommodation fees.
Large Global Customer Base
Uphold is a agenda money belvedere alms investments and payments casework based on blockchain technology. With added than 1.5 actor users globally, Uphold has powered $5.3 billion in affairs as of September 2025. The San Francisco based close provides both retail barter and businesses common with admission to authorization and agenda currencies, as able-bodied as adored metals. The aggregation has offices in New York, Portugal and London.
Uphold is additionally a above affiliate of the Universal Protocol Alliance, a accumulation of agreeing cryptocurrency companies and blockchain organizations that appetite to affix altered agenda assets in a distinct network. Barter afresh listed the Alliance’s Universal Protocol Token (UPT), a mega-utility token alms adorable absorption ante back lending and borrowing, lower barter fees, cashback and discounts on trading.
“Uphold has congenital an absorbing belvedere that provides a seamless on-ramp into the agenda abridgement and a simple adjustment to transact beyond assorted asset classes. We’re aflame to accompany our arch crypto-credit articles to Uphold’s all-around chump abject and enhance our borrower acquaintance through a absolute affiliation with Uphold wallets on our platform,” commented Jarrett Abraham, Director of Corporate Development at Salt. “Together, we’ll accommodate ultimate adaptability for crypto holders who charge admission to clamminess beyond a ambit of crypto assets and authorization currencies. This is an agitative cardinal affiliation for us that helps added our mission to advance the world’s adeptness to embrace crypto assets and participate in the badge economy.”
What do you anticipate about Uphold users accepting admission to crypto-backed loans? Share your thoughts in the comments area below.
Images address of Shutterstock.
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