Blockchain Project Wins First Place at First GoodDollar Hackathon
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Blockchain Project Wins First Place at First GoodDollar Hackathon

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchain activity that incentivizes bodies to analysis for diabetes by handing them cryptocurrency wins aboriginal GoodDollar hackathon abounding by Israeli agent in Rwanda

Special guest, Ron Adam, Israeli agent in Rwanda (center), abounding Hackinequality and was encouraged by what he witnessed.

The hackathon for abbreviation all-around abundance asperity application decentralized technology was won by a ancestor for a arrangement that encourages citizens to be arrested for diabetes in acknowledgment for GoodDollar tokens

GoodDollar, a not-for-profit analysis hub that explores how decentralized cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology may accredit models based on accepted basal assets (UBI) with the axial aim of abbreviation all-around abundance inequality, captivated the countdown Hackinequality accident in Tel Aviv on March 14 and 15.

The anticipation panel, afterwards abundant debate, agreed that the three-person t2d aggregation – fabricated up of Jesse Medina, Lior Yaffe, and Yaron Shmaria – had done abundant to see off antagonism from the added eight amusing appulse projects.

The aggregation won the US$2,500 aboriginal prize, admitting the money was of accessory importance, with their addition for amusing appulse by far the added valuable.

Winning for good: t2d, victors in GoodDollar’s countdown Hackinequality event, bless their success alongside the board and GoodDollar associates afterwards 16 hours of angry competition.

(photograph credit: Ben Palhov)

Nine teams had 16 hours to assignment on their projects at the eToro offices in Bnei Brak, and their adherence was commendable. Most of the accomplished 35 participants – including programmers, analysts, designers, user acquaintance experts, blockchain enthusiasts – burnt the midnight oil. In all about 50 bodies abounding Hackinequality – an absorbing assembly for the aboriginal accident of this kind.

Those in appearance included Ron Adam, the Israeli agent in Rwanda and above agent adumbrative of Israel in the United Nations, who backward for about three hours and was acutely encouraged by what he witnessed.

He wrote on Twitter:

Teams activated the case for UBI and explored how abundance ability be analogously spread, how a taxation arrangement can be re-engineered to clothing blockchain and ability UBI, and how by arcade in accustomed e-commerce sites bodies could accord to the accumulation of the GoodDollar bread-and-butter framework.

It was alarming to see the accuracy of participants to assignment so hard, abnormally at the end of the alive week. Team baton for Spreading Fair Income, Rami Hersonski, embodied the can-do attitude, as he took allotment while jet-lagged, accepting accustomed beeline afterwards a across flight. It accent that bodies are accommodating to lose beddy-bye over Gooddollar’s amount purpose – to abate all-around abundance asperity – for the account of the mission.

Talking about beddy-bye (or abridgement thereof), the second-placed aggregation won $1,500 for presenting a accessory that would activation bodies from their slumbers. Every time the Lightning Alarm Clock is snoozed, GoodDollars are donated to acceptable causes. The byword “you snooze, you lose” needs afterlight for this abstraction because anybody wins if you do adorned an added bristles account in bed. Third abode – and $750 – went to GoodTrust, while Lynx, focused on autonomous acreage tax, won a appropriate accolade for actuality the “most disruptive.”

Who needs sleep? After 20 hours of competition, the participants and GoodDollar aggregation associates still managed to smile.

(photograph credit: Ben Palhov)

Evidently, absorption in amusing appulse projects in accepted and abbreviation all-around abundance asperity through blockchain-backed UBI accurately is at an auspicious akin and growing – in Israel and about the world.

Those gluttonous to apprentice added about what ability be accessible in this amplitude are encouraged to apprehend the keynote slides presented by Dr. Nir Yaacobi, GoodDollar’s Economic Lead (here), and Hadar Rottenberg, our Tech Lead (here), at the Hackinequality alertness event.

Hackinequality March 14-15 results:

First abode ($2,500): td2

Second abode ($1,500): Lightning Alarm Clock

Third abode ($750): GoodTrust

Most disruptive: Lynx

Code and decks for the teams:

Photograph credit: Ben Palhov