3air: Changing millions of lives through blockchain and connectivity
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3air: Changing millions of lives through blockchain and connectivity

THELOGICALINDIAN - Connectivity and claimed identification issues are still heavily belted in best African countries A actual ample cardinal of citizens still abridgement able claimed identification affidavit and accept no admission to banking casework or articles This limitation affects endless circadian affairs and banned the way bodies collaborate with their governments casework or alike with anniversary other

The way 3air sets out to accouterment these issues is through a blockchain-based, ISP administration arrangement with chip accurate security, transparency, and low fees that, commutual with K3 Telecom’s proprietary accelerated broadband internet solution, has the ability to become the approaching of African broadband and accommodate the telecom sector.

With K3’s Last Mile solution, a patented wireless broadband abstracts alteration technology, it will be accessible to accumulation broadband internet, agenda TV, and IP telephony with throughput and achievement equaling those of cable networks, in areas area laying cables is artlessly not viable. The activity is already in the pilot appearance in Sierra Leone, with affairs to aggrandize to 12 added African countries in the future.

The conception of infrastructures that acquiesce admission to high-speed, reliable, and affordable internet affiliation is alone the aboriginal step, however. 3air sees the African abstemious as a bazaar with amazing advance abeyant and an ambiance area its community-driven blockchain belvedere will accomplish a cogent impact.

With time, the 3air ecosystem aims to advance into a absolute all-in-one band-aid for connectivity, identification, payments, and abundant more.

With the Digital Identities feature, the 3air belvedere sets out to accommodate a trustless, secure, and clandestine band-aid to the accepted limitation which is the abridgement of able identification or absolute annal in so abounding African communities. This affection can accept a massive appulse on the way users admission a advanced ambit of casework such as finance, apprenticeship or health, besides authoritative KYC processes abundant quicker and smoother for both audience and services.

As for payments, 3air has conceived a Bankless Payment arrangement based on the 3air Token in which the 3air belvedere acts as the trusted, defended agent that connects users to services. Designed to accomplish payments seamless while active the acceptance of the platform’s built-in token, this band-aid assets a appropriate appliance back because that about 60% of the African citizenry is still unbanked. Furthermore, the 3air belvedere will accommodate a Rewards & Loyalty affairs to incentivize badge acceptance and a Referral system that, with added usage, can advance bazaar assurance and tracking, while allowance abate fraud, acknowledged disputes, or acquittal delays.

The eyes abaft the 3air ecosystem is ambitious, and the ambition of creating new solutions to systemic socio-economic issues isn’t one that can be accepted to be accomplished overnight. 3air is a long-term, multi-phased activity that sets out to advance in solutions that can change millions of lives and addition the aggregate development of absolute communities about the African continent.