ClinTex CTi Leverages Distributed Ledger Technology to Lower the Cost of New Medicine and Improve Patients’ Lives
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ClinTex CTi Leverages Distributed Ledger Technology to Lower the Cost of New Medicine and Improve Patients’ Lives

THELOGICALINDIAN - ClinTex CTi Leverages Distributed Ledger Technology to Lower the Cost of New Medicine and Improve Patients Lives

CTi (Clinical Trials Intelligence) aims to accompany bottomward the amount of medicine, as able-bodied as admission the acceleration of admission to new medicine, by abbreviation development costs for the all-around biologic industry.

ClinTex, the aggregation abaft CTi, say it will accomplish this by revolutionizing how analytic trials are conducted through the avant-garde use of a aggregate of acute affairs both on their clandestine bunch blockchain and on the Ethereum accessible blockchain. The belvedere is, at its core, a decentralized database of analytic data, but additionally will host 7 abstracted DApps, the primary action of which will be the administration and access of the key affliction credibility in the administering of analytic trials.

Developing new medicines is a $350 billion industry, with anniversary new analysis acute astronomic allotment and assets afore it can be alien to the bazaar at an boilerplate of $2.5 billion per new anesthetic (Tufts, 2014). Nearly 80% of analytic trials are overrunning their timelines by an boilerplate of 10.8 months (Covance, 2013), which translates into as abundant as $8m in absent acquirement anniversary day a biologic is delayed (Cutting Edge Information, 2005). Further to this, the cardinal of analytic trials demography abode is ascent and forth with it the associated costs, acceptation the amount of new anesthetic is soaring.

Developing new medicines is a $350 billion industry, with anniversary new analysis acute astronomic allotment and assets afore it can be alien to bazaar at an boilerplate of $2.5 billion per new anesthetic (Tufts, 2014).

Source: Tufts, 2014

This is the botheration ClinTex intend to solve; by introducing the use of predictive analytics and machine learning to the analytic process, CTi seeks to accurately adumbrate and anticipate the cher issues and overruns that accept become accepted for analytic trials. If CTi delivers accumulation to pharma of aloof 1% generated activated to aloof 1% of all-around analytic trials, this agency more than $35 actor in accumulation per annum that can be anesthetized on to patients so that they can alive longer, convalescent lives.

If CTi delivers accumulation to pharma of aloof 1% generated activated to aloof 1% of all-around analytic trials, this agency added than $35 actor in accumulation per annum that can be anesthetized on to patients so that they can alive longer, convalescent lives.

As the FDA and added authoritative authorities charge to be able to verify the affection and candor of analytic data, the pharmaceutical aggregation must, in accordance with Good Analytic Practice (GCP), almanac all changes to the data, who fabricated the changes, and when. A blockchain balance is the absolute almanac befitting apparatus for this use case because it does absolutely that.

Further to the abiding attributes of the blockchain, accepting a secure, complete, and abiding recorded history of analytic abstracts angle stored on a blockchain will acquiesce for the conception and change of a decentralized analytic database which CTi will accouter for able apparatus acquirements algorithms that will access in authority over time, accouterment a able predictive apparatus for analytic trials that introduces ahead beginning opportunities for ability and affection in the conduct of analytic research.

CTi will accouter for able apparatus acquirements algorithms that will access in authority over time, accouterment a able predictive apparatus for analytic trials that introduces ahead beginning opportunities for ability and affection in the conduct of analytic research.

ClinTex is a band-aid provider to the biologic industry. ClinTex aims to enhance analytic balloon processes by accouterment accoutrement to optimize operational efficiency, analytic abstracts quality, and medical review. Furthermore, their avant-garde use of blockchain technology makes apparatus acquirements attainable for the end-to-end clinical balloon action for the aboriginal time, acceptance users to abstract predictive insights from data, after defective ability in adorning apparatus acquirements models.

ClinTex CTi, a blockchain powered abstracts administration belvedere for the analytic trials industry, will authority a badge bearing accident (TGE) in Q3 2024 to administer CLX, the built-in badge for the CTi ecosystem.

The ClinTex CTi badge bearing accident will be one of the aboriginal to accomplish beneath the adapted ambiance of Malta’s Financial Services Authority (MFSA), beneath Malta’s Virtual Financial Assets Act, 2024.

For added advice –

ClinTex Ltd is a registered clandestine bound aggregation in both the UK & Malta.

215/1, Old Bakery Street, Valletta VLT 1451, Malta. Bus Reg C87282.

H5 Ash Tree Court, Nottingham, NG8 6PY, UK. Bus Reg 11210689.

ClinTex Ltd are a registered clandestine bound aggregation in both the UK & Malta.


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