Earn Finance (YFE) is the Most Innovative Source of Passive Income, Pre-Sale Now Live
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Earn Finance (YFE) is the Most Innovative Source of Passive Income, Pre-Sale Now Live

THELOGICALINDIAN - What is Earn Finance

Earn Accounts is a blockchain doubter decentralized accounts aggregator belvedere that supports DeFi projects deployed on Ethereum, Binance acute chain, etc. It focuses on simplicity, user experience, privacy, and all-around adoption. Powered by rewardiqa foundation, the Earn Accounts aggregation is developing a able community-centered DeFi belvedere absorption on staking, farming, borrowing, and mortgage.

It is able abundant from a scalability, interoperability, development, and babyminding perspective. The cold is to advice accomplish the eyes of Web3 a absoluteness so that added amount can be generated on an investment. 

Earn Finance is advised as one of the best avant-garde sources of acquiescent assets by best investors. It has fatigued absorption due to its abeyant aerial allotment and acute aegis measures.

What Is Yield Farming?

Yield agriculture additionally referred to as liquidity mining, is a way to accomplish rewards with cryptocurrency holdings. In simple terms, it agency locking up cryptocurrencies to acquire rewards.

In some sense, crop agriculture can be paralleled with staking. However, there’s a lot of complication activity on in the background. In abounding cases, it works with users alleged clamminess providers (LP) that add funds to clamminess pools.

For the purpose of developing a able-bodied YFE platform, and animate aboriginal investors and supporters, the Earn Finance aggregation has absitively to adapt a presale of Earn Finance (YFE) tokens.

(There will be (4) ROUNDS in the presale )


Go to the YFE presale link, and affix your Metamask wallet. Get your ETH ready, add the bulk that you appetite to buy, and columnist on the ‘buy YFE Token’ button. If you do not accept Metamask, artlessly chase the instructions actuality https://telegra.ph/Earn-finance-presale-11-28. Tokens that are not awash will be burned, and Uniswap clamminess will be bound 100% for 1 year. 

60% of aloft funds afterwards the presale would go to the Uniswap pool.

40% of aloft funds afterwards the presale would be acclimated for advertisement on added exchanges, marketing, promotion, and development.

Earn Finance  (YFE) Token will be listed on Uniswap afterwards the presale.

Earn Finance (YFE ) Token will be listed on Coinmarketcap (CMC), and added exchanges such as Balancer, Binance, Kucoin, FTX, and added afterwards some canicule on Uniswap.

If you charge any added assistance, buzzer admins are there to help.

The Earn Finance aggregation is architecture a transparent, secured, user-friendly, and simple crop agriculture platform, that would accommodate an befalling for the YFE holders to get allowances from several platforms provided by Earn Finance.

YFE Finance: The staking belvedere enables investors to acquire a crop on the YFE token, depositing, and selecting the bulk you appetite to stake, you will get an APR of 32%, and it can be apart anytime and you will get FYFE Badge accolade also.

Governance: The Earn Finance ecosystem is controlled by YFE badge holders who abide and vote on proposals that administer the ecosystem. Proposals that accommodated quorum requirements (>20% of the tokens staked in the babyminding contract) and accomplish majority abutment (>50% of the vote) are implemented by a 9 affiliate multi-signature wallet. Changes charge be active by 6 out of the 9 wallet signers in adjustment to be implemented. The associates of the multi-signature wallet were voted in by YFE holders and are accountable to change from approaching babyminding votes.

Lending – YFE will accommodate the accomplished crop in the bazaar today, up to 32% APR for accurate bill (DAI, USDC, USDT, TUSD, BUSD, PAX) STAKING – Stake YFE and Earn 32% APR, YFE can be apart anytime after any locking aeon or added obstacles.

Yield Farming – It is artlessly based on a agriculturalist who plants and harvests all his crops. The added you farm, the added the harvest, the added the investment, the added is the profit. With YFE you will be able to adore Yield Farming to its fullest.

Earn bandy – Exchange amid your assets after sending annihilation to anyone or after any abhorrence of loss.

Dapps – Earn accounts is additionally developing their own dApp active on the Ethereum Network, acceptance users to use it from any of their admired wallets (Trust wallet, MEW, Metamask, etc.) to chase and use their Decentralized Ecosystem.

Earn Finance Tokenomics:

Token Type: ERC-20

Token symbol: YFE 

Token Name: Earn Finance

Contract : 0x8c1Ca31E0992421f26A74Df65b303C0Af2A48b51

Total Supply: 500,000 YFE

Circulating Supply: 100,000 YFE

Initial Uniswap Liquidity: 100,000 YFE

YFE for Pre-sale: 200,000 YFE

Team Tokens: 10,000 YFE

Marketing & Development : 80,000 YFE

Airdrops: 110,000 YFE

Conclusion :

Earn accounts offers an avant-garde belvedere and promotes Defi to an avant-garde level. It aims to assignment calmly with the added absolute protocols of Defi to body the new apple ecosystem.

Earn Finance Community:

Website: https://earnfinance.net

Telegram approach – https://t.me/earnfinanceglobal

Twitter: https://twitter.com/earnfinance1

Email: [email protected]

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