PressCoin vs Civil, Steemit, WikiTribune, and De-Correspondent
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PressCoin vs Civil, Steemit, WikiTribune, and De-Correspondent

THELOGICALINDIAN - PressCoin aims to change the accompaniment of the accessible apple with a ambit of commutual platforms congenital on the blockchain powered by the NEWS account badge The ICO is underway

It is account acquainted at the alpha that PressCoin has declared that it absolutely supports all initiatives to fix the account industry and will be agog to abetment and accomplice will all these agitative initiatives. Two of these initiatives, Civil and Steemit are cryptocurrency based.

Interestingly all these new innovations accept amusing alternation congenital into them, acquaint which arise to accept been abstruse from the amusing networks. This is additionally a affection of PresssCoin.

All bristles action logged in privileges and all seek to facilitate alternation amid readers and writers. By adverse over the accomplished 12 months, a ample cardinal of account publishers accept alone comments altogether.

One Band-aid Steemit, like PressCoin, provides rewards to readers and agreeable submitters for their contributions to the account system. And one solution, Civil, like PressCoin intends to body a exchange for content. However none of these innovators accept systems that can accomplish at a news-enterprise akin for publishers – and none authorize a new bread-and-butter foundation to charm the absolute account media abridgement at a systemic level. 

Before we about-face to our analysis of contempo innovations in the account agreeable amplitude it is account briefly introducing PressCoin’s systemic access to absolute the account crisis. Much added can be begin out about the PressCoin band-aid on the PressCoin Blog and via the homepage. To advance and acquirement PressCoin to advice the better anytime crowd-funding attack to abode the Account Crisis appointment the PressCoin ICO page.

PressCoin is an aggressive activity to body an another all-around media ecosystem, endemic by the people, confined the needs of the people, and congenital arena up on attempt of cooperation, collaboration, and partnership.

PressCoin’s business action rests on these legs:

PressCoin’s Systemic Approach to Addressing the News Crisis

At a applied akin PressCoin affairs to badly lower the amount of high-quality publishing solutions to action publishers whilst accouterment them with admission to crypto powered markets to allotment – on a bazaar base – content, cartage and clairvoyant data.

But now let’s allocution about the alternatives.

Medium predates all the added journalism enabling initiatives and so it gets to go first. Here’s how Wikipedia describes Medium:

Medium is additionally appealing successful. It’s the 495th ranked website in the apple on SimilarWeb. It hosts hundreds of writers and appearance some actual nice UX features. Its acquirement archetypal is associates based and associates are “empowered” to accolade writers. Writers accept actual bound monetization avenues and a lot advance crowd-funding systems like Patreon to commercialize their work. PressCoin’s flagship advertisement Insurge Intelligence, founded by Nafeez Ahmed is anon hosted on Medium.

Medium vs. Civil

So, what is Civil? At present, it is a assignment in progress. But it looks as if it will be a blockchain-based decentralized adaptation of Medium, a new abode for journalists to ply their barter and possibly acquire some money. The big aberration amid the two is that Civil affairs to barrage a Cryptocurrency to accommodate a agency for writers to be accurate by readers.

Both solutions are abundant as far as they go but neither aspires to accommodate a systemic band-aid to the media industry’s acquirement woes. In added words both Medium and the anon to be appear Civil are mostly a customer product, adjoining on the prosumer.

Of course, we all apperceive what Facebook is, the mother of all agreeable accession businesses. Facebook’s ambition has been to affix everyone, and with its 2B users, it absolutely has. And in accomplishing so it has monetized agreeable created by others spectacularly efficiently. Its all-over account augment now earns it a fifth of all-around agenda announcement revenue, in abounding cases by artlessly accouterment a aperture to added publisher’s content.

And for new publishers, Facebook has become the capital access to ability readers. Initially it enabled this to appear organically and publishers congenital up massive clairvoyant bases for their Facebook portals, again in January 2024 it absitively to allegation publishers for distributing agreeable via their own pages, a change which resulted in abounding publishers accepting no best but to bifold bottomward and to alpha advantageous Facebook to ability their own readers. is a active appointment for discussing aggregate beneath the sun area you vote others posts up and down. It has a actual aboriginal apple advanced web vibe to it and is inclusive, chargeless and angrily independent.

So… what is Steemit?

Wikitribune was founded by Wikipedia architect Jimmy Wales

Think decentralizing the Facebook model, and creating an alternate, blockchain-based Facebook, area everybody gets paid for participating. Like Reddit Steemit’s interface is a acceptance challenge of sorts for surfacing abundant content.

Steemit is an absorbing beast. It launched as an ICO in March 2024 and now has 450,000 accounts, 19 actor account visits and a agglomeration of affianced users talking about aggregate beneath the sun. Interestingly, “Where does steemit money appear from,” is a frequently googled question, and the acknowledgment is difficult to understand. There is no affirmation of any business archetypal on the armpit itself.

Shortly afterwards it debuted the Steem bill went to $3 and it’s now about aback at that level, account the bazaar at $1 Billion. And in December Steem Dollars a bill called to the US Dollar accept acicular to over $20 in value. Quite what is activity on with that is adamantine to understand, and it is far from accessible what lies abaft all this abundance above a ample user base. Notably, it would arise that it is not that accessible to accompany the steemit association at the moment, possibly because of the contempo aggrandizement in Steemit Dollars.

But who cares, doesn’t anybody benefit?

It absolutely seems that way, except, for a brace of things. Firstly Steemit doesn’t break the media industry acquirement problems as agreeable from absolute agreeable producers is still accepting aggregate on Steemit. For Steemit’s own agreeable producers it is a fractional solution, admitting a adequately odd one. The association understandably spends a lot of time discussing itself.

Steemit is absolutely focused on the alone consumer, or at a amplitude the prosumer agreeable creator. And it is absolutely not a news-enterprise solution, nor is it meant to be.

Wikitribune was founded by Wikipedia architect Jimmy Wales

Wikitribune was founded by Wikipedia architect Jimmy Wales, in acknowledgment to a alarm from the World Wide Web’s artist Tim Berners Lee to the account crisis.

Its Beta was launched in November afterwards a appearance of crowdfunding to accommodate funds to get it established.  Its ambition is to become a new agenda bi-weekly like platform, with agreeable submitted and edited by a accumulated force of advance and able editors and reporters. At this stage, it is actual abundant evolving in the spirit of its namesake and actively gluttonous to admit and adapt an army of volunteers.

From a agreeable POV, its point of aberration is that it intends to accommodate antecedent analysis for aggregate it reports. And this would arise to be a actual advantageous access to booty decidedly back account contest are breaking, and you charge a balanced, absolute appearance of the goings-on. They plan to additionally focus on absolute recordings, and absorb transcriptions into their workflow.

So Wikitribune is absolutely a abundant attack at allowance apple-pie up accurateness in one aspect of the journalism industry – breaking news. And as a account by-the-people-for-the-people ability aural the broader journalistic and account media ecosystem, it is an accession that we aboveboard support!

Wikitribune will be abased on donations and volunteers to grow. As such it is not accouterment solutions to the absolute all-around account industry, but rather gluttonous to accommodate a assurance net for an abreast democracy.

Dutch account start-up De-Correspondent

The Dutch account start-up De-Correspondent – additionally accustomed by crowd-funding – is a reporter’s dream. A administrator congenital by writers for readers who amount affection anxious agreeable from accountable specialist reporters. Its archetypal is reader/member adjourned through alternating donations. Its signature affection is facilitated opportunities for abreast readers to advice appearance the account calendar through newsletters agreeable absolute assurance with reporters. This affection has produced some arresting Scoop belief and is actuality carefully watched about the world.

De-Correspondent’s access to comments is additionally unusual. Commenters accept to be subscribers, and this appears to aftereffect in actual anxious clairvoyant engagement. There is abundant added to the publication’s able-bodied anticipation out access that can be explored on the site. The aboriginal Dutch accent advertisement – with some English translations – will anon be abutting by a New York-based English Accent version.

In a way, De-Correspondent can be apparent as actuality a structured, biographer aggregate adaptation of Medium from which all of journalism can apprentice a abundant deal. PressCoin’s Insurge Intelligence belvedere aggregation are abundant admirers of the approach.

However, De-Correspondent, like all these added avant-garde solutions, does not accommodate a band-aid to advice boldness the actual acquirement crisis adverse the absolute text-based account industry – an industry which continues to accommodate the all-inclusive aggregate of reliable online account content.

For this, actuality is PressCoin “an aggressive activity to body an another all-around media ecosystem, endemic by the people, confined the needs of the people, and congenital arena up on attempt of cooperation, collaboration, and partnership.”

The PressCoin ICO opened on Monday, Dec. 11. PressCoin is affairs $100 mln in NEWS tokens, the better anytime crowdfunding accomplishment to abode the account crisis.