Roobee: Ongoing IEO With Potential
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Roobee: Ongoing IEO With Potential

THELOGICALINDIAN - Wed like to accompany advanced an absorbing activity which has started its Initial Barter Offering IEO today May 13th on cryptocurrency barter BitForex

About Roobee

Roobee introduces a blockchain-based advance account which takes advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI), as able-bodied as absolutely cellophane statistics. The ambition is to accredit bodies to accomplish both acclimatized and acute decisions back it comes to advance in agenda assets with a actual affordable access beginning of $10.

The account combines a ample ambit of advance articles from altered markets, while accouterment its users with an burning admission to loans, adventure capital, IPOs, absolute estate, cryptocurrencies, shares of startups, and added articles at aught commissions for affairs them.

At the aforementioned time, Roobee adheres to a rather austere aesthetics of about-face and and it refrains from accepting any adventurous advance accomplishments which accommodate adopted or loaned funds and aftermost savings. The belvedere will will accommodate investors with absolute rights to advance in actual able projects such as TON, Zoom, Levi’s, and others.

Roobee’s IEO has started today, May 13th and the aggregation has additionally devised a actual incentivizing benefit anatomy for its investors.

Unlike a lot of the projects who accession money afore they advance the product, Roobee has already appear up with a band-aid that is up and working.

Some of its able apparel include:

In addition, Roobee’s aggregation is comprised of acclaimed associates of the banking world. Artem Popov, the project’s co-founder, is a consecutive entrepreneur, as able-bodied as an able in the fields of association building, artefact development, and agenda agreeable marketing. He’s accustomed relationships with arresting industry proponents, including Changpeng Zhao, Binance’s CEO, Charlie Lee, the architect of Litecoin, John McAfee, and abounding others.

The Problems That Roobee Solves

Roobee attempts to break a ambit of altered problems that bodies tend to appear beyond back advance in assorted products. Let’s attending at some of them.

Many investors tend to accept no admission to all-around bazaar advance products. This is because a lot of the bodies don’t accept the able ability and acquaintance in alive area and how to advance their money. Roobee brings that admission to everyone. It aggregates abundant advance articles from the absolute apple and it combines them in a compatible arrangement in adjustment to accommodate an befalling to advance in them with a distinct click.

Many of the advance articles abridgement accuracy because there are few absolute and trackable statistics which reflect their achievement and ability accurately. Roobee delivers both cellophane and accurate statistics of anniversary of the advance articles on the market. This is acknowledgment to the RoobeeChain blockchain which enables users to verify the capability of any advance afore absolutely spending their money.

Investing comes with a assertive accident of banking accident and that’s abnormally accurate for agenda assets which are kept in centralized wallets and exchanges. In adjustment to accord with that, Roobee has no admission to the funds of its users as its congenital on the HyperLedger framework. It additionally delivers a decentralized wallet account alleged RoobeeWallet which allows users to abundance their own clandestine keys.

This is yet addition application which prevents abounding investors from accessing assorted advance articles – the aerial acceptance threshold. Hence, Roobee creates altitude for micro-investing in any of the articles on its platform. Users can absorb as little as $10 on altered articles from all over the world.

It’s actual difficult for bodies to accomplish an accomplished best of advance in a assertive product, above the able assay and analysis. Roobee is absolutely cellophane and paints the abounding account of all of the advance products. It aggregates and introduces advice in an easy-to-digest manner, acceptance investors to bound cross through the array of advance products.

Roobee’s Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

Roobee’s IEO has started today, May 13th, on the BitForex cryptocurrency exchange. The accident will go through two circuit and it will aftermost from May 13th until May 22nd. The bulk per ROOBEE badge is set to $0.01 with a minimum acquirement bulk of 1000 ROOBEE.

However, the activity has additionally devised an incentivizing benefit arrangement for those investors who put up added money. Users can get up to 10 percent benefit to the cardinal of tokens they accept purchased.

In short, Roobee brings advanced a bare abstraction with an already accustomed business model. Having aloft money above-mentioned to its IEO additionally takes the added burden off.

To apprentice added about Roobee, you can appointment their official website.

To participate in the Roobee IEO, analysis this link.

What do you anticipate of Roobee? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!