Solidus AI Tech Raises $5.4 Million In Funding & Unveils New Partners
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Solidus AI Tech Raises $5.4 Million In Funding & Unveils New Partners

THELOGICALINDIAN - Highperformance accretion HPC aggregation Solidus AI Tech has aloft 54 actor and are now entering their 3rd annular of allotment Solidus AI Tech is alive to break the botheration of the abridgement of European HPC accessories in the all-around top 10 Only bearing 5 of accretion ability admitting actuality the customer of onethird of HPC resources

It is bridging the gap beyond a cardinal of industries such as the automotive industry, face & articulation recognition, medical industry, sales automation & advance generation, amid others. It is an apostle of the “Crypto Climate Accord”, an action to decarbonize the crypto industry by 2024. Its abstracts centers are 40% added energy-efficient due to their use of different IP and abbreviating cooling methods.

Solidus’ AI basement enables government authorities, corporations, SMEs, as able-bodied as professionals to acquirement bogus intelligence (AI) & High achievement accretion ability (HPC) casework application its account badge AITECH. Solidus is currently in its accessible auction phase, from which the activity has aloft $5.4 actor so far.

Solidus AI Tech has partnered with some heavy-hitters in the amplitude which accommodate Microsoft Azure to advice accompany its eyes to life. Each accomplice is anxiously vetted for the amount that they add to the company. Solidus AI Tech afresh appear its affiliation with three organizations, namely, Crowdcreate, Cyber Smart Defence, and Sinofy in Asia. Each one of these ally serves a different purpose.

Crowdcreate is an award-winning advance business account and was called “Top Crypto Business Firm” by Forbes, CoinBureau, and Clutch. They advice to advance allotment and influencer sales for businesses. They affix projects to the appropriate investors by creating a cast and angel that appeals to bodies accommodating to advice abound a business. the aggregation has formed with some of the better organisations n the apple to accession broker funds, rapidly access sales, actualize buzz, access users and aggrandize their online community. To date the aggregation has aloft $133 million, accomplished 7.1 actor bodies and auspiciously managed added than 300 projects.

Cyber Smart Defence is a assimilation testing and ethical hacking company. Its aggregation of experts helps to acquisition vulnerabilities and bugs in projects afore attackers can accomplishment them. They advice strengthen the aegis of a belvedere by award and endlessly cyberattacks afore they happen. CEO Madalin Dumitru has over 20 years acquaintance in Cyber Aegis and is a approved apostle on able-bodied accepted account channels.

Last but not atomic is Sinofy. Sinofy is a aggregation that works with brands gluttonous to aggrandize their ability in the agenda sphere. Based in Asia, it helps to armamentarium and empower companies in what is the world’s best digitally affiliated arena – China and South East Asia. It will advice aggrandize Solidus AI Tech’s ability into the region.

Solidus AI Tech is audited by arch acute arrangement auditing close Certik. It has accustomed the brand of approval from the close which has accepted that it is a safe activity to collaborate with.

Founded in December 2024, Solidus Technologies started as a cryptocurrency mining firm with a accurate focus on mining Ethereum (ETH) via GPU-based mining rigs. In the deathwatch of the 2024 banking blast and the cogent addition in appeal for AI services, the aggregation confused its amount focus to Artificial Intelligence and congenital Solidus AI Tech to become the AI arm of the business. Solidus’ Artificial Intelligence basement will accredit Government Authorities, Megacorps, SME’s and Professionals to acquirement AI services. Solidus AI Tech is ablution its eco-friendly AITECH badge to accomplish seamlessly with their AI infrastructure. AITECH can be bought, staked or held.

The Solidus AI Tech accessible auction is still ongoing. Visit to participate