AdEx: Revamping Digital Advertising Via Blockchain Technology, Now Out of Beta
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AdEx: Revamping Digital Advertising Via Blockchain Technology, Now Out of Beta

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchain technology has been hailed as a disruptor of several aspects of the all-around business action back its actualization For Adtech startup AdEx decentralization holds the key to analytic the assurance and accuracy gap in the agenda announcement space

Fraud and Other Problem Plaguing the Digital Advertising Space

In agenda advertising, abstracts is the artefact and it is generally in the ascendancy of centralized establishments with vested interests that may not assemble with those of the agreeable creators and end-users.

According to the online statistics aperture Statista, the amount of agenda announcement artifice is accepted to reach $44 billion by 2022. Reports say advertisers absorb up to 15% of their ad budgets in advantageous for aegis adjoin fraud.

On the added end of the spectrum, end-users accept around no ascendancy over their abstracts with abundant abstracts leaks advertisement acute clandestine advice to the accomplished bidders.

Beyond the assurance and accuracy gap lies the circuitous attributes of the agenda advertisement action itself. Rather than an ecosystem acceptance the seamless breeze of abstracts and advice amid publishers, advertisers, and the audience, anniversary actor generally has to attack with abundant roadblocks preventing the accomplishment of the abounding industry experience.

The AdEX Ecosystem: Decentralized Display Advertising

In ablaze of these problems, AdEx offers an active blockchain-based belvedere that caters to the charge of all participants in the announcement space. The AdEx belvedere is a decentralized open-source agreement active on the Ethereum arrangement that connects publishers and advertisers after the charge for any third-party intermediaries.

AdEx’s access to application decentralized balance technology (DLT) in analytic the issues afflictive the calendar announcement amplitude focuses on a three-point calendar — transparency, artifice prevention, and user aloofness protection.

Since its Beta barrage in 2024, AdEx has facilitated over 300 acknowledged campaigns for added than 100 advertisers and publishers. VPN provider NordVPN, one of the participants in the clandestine beta analysis appear a 238% acknowledgment on investments (ROI) on their ads run on the AdEx platform. Four months into the beta test, the AdEx testnet beyond a anniversary of 45 actor impressions. Moving forward, the belvedere will be accessible and not aloof invite-only beta users. 

AdEx Features

The AdEx protocol, while airy to end-users, boasts a aggregate of acceptable peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, cryptography, and blockchain. As a decentralized platform, AdEx appearance a accessible anthology basin of validators who accredit advert attack abstracts appropriately accouterment ad analysis and affidavit of ad commitment functions.

For anniversary advert campaign, validators are nominated from both the publisher-side and advertiser-side. AdEx’s affidavit agreement works on a two-third accord amid the validators.


The belvedere GUI itself contains accessible to use accoutrement that acquiesce advertisers to abide ad campaigns while publishers baddest the adverts they ambition to display. Both participants can clue important metrics like impressions, revenue, and amount per mille (CPM) appropriate from the belvedere dashboard.

The AdEx bazaar appearance an indexed account of all active ad campaigns acceptance publishers and advertisers to actualize customizable chase queries according to their specific announcement needs. Also, the AdEx bazaar serves as a decentralized ad barter service. The signup action is appealing accessible and takes beneath than 5 minutes. Also, it is free. 

AdEx Tokenomics: ADX Plus DAI

Blockchain projects usually accept to attack with scalability problems but the AdEx belvedere bypasses this limitation via acquittal channels — a different accomplishing of the accompaniment approach protocol. Simply put, accompaniment channels acquiesce users to accelerate payments offchain.

AdEx’s acquittal channels action absolute bidirectional micropayment capabilities amid advertisers and publishers. Each ad attack is angry to a acquittal approach with the belvedere utilizing a bifold cryptocurrency system.

The absolute ad payments are fabricated via the DAI stablecoin. The best of a stablecoin badge like DAI is to annihilate the issues surrounding the amount animation of cryptocurrencies. ADX badge which is the ‘native coin’ of the AdEx belvedere provides the agency for active validator nodes on the platform.

With real-time advertisement of agenda ad metrics on an accessible to use and censorship-resistant platform, AdEx hopes to drive able-bodied improvements in the agenda announcement amplitude while showcasing the adeptness of DLT-based protocols to account absolute changes in the all-around business sector.

What do you anticipate about the AdEx project’s drive to annihilate artifice and advance accuracy and user aloofness aegis in the agenda announcement space? Please let us apperceive the animadversion area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, AdEx.