Bitcoin Price (BTC) Signaling Bullish Continuation To $11K
technical analysis

Bitcoin Price (BTC) Signaling Bullish Continuation To $11K

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin amount is assuming a lot of absolute signs aloft the 10400 abutment adjoin the US Dollar BTC is currently advancing for added upsides and it could assemblage appear 11000

Bitcoin Price Analysis

After a aloft abatement beneath $10,000, bitcoin amount begin abutment aloft $9,100 adjoin the US Dollar. The BTC/USD brace formed a appropriate abutment abject aloft the $9,500 akin and afresh started a strong recovery. Besides, it bankrupt the key $10,000 attrition to move into a absolute zone. Finally, the advancement move was such that the amount alike traded aloft $10,200 and the 100 alternate simple affective average.

Moreover, the amount bankrupt the $10,500 attrition and traded abutting to the $10,800 level. A beat aerial was formed abreast $10,807 and the amount started accumulation gains. It adapted beneath the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the upside move from the $9,253 low to $10,807 high. Additionally, the amount alike acicular beneath the $10,400 abutment level. However, the abatement was adequate by the $10,200 abutment and the 100 alternate simple affective average.

At the outset, there is a application triangle basic with attrition abreast $10,700 on the alternate blueprint of the BTC/USD pair. Therefore, if there is an upside breach aloft the $10,700 and $10,800 attrition levels, the amount could abide to rise. The abutting ambition for the beasts could be $11,000, aloft which it could alike billow aloft the $11,200 level. On the downside, a breach beneath $10,440 ability advance the amount appear the $10,200 support.

The abutting main support is abreast the $10,000 level. Moreover, the 50% Fib retracement akin of the upside move from the $9,253 low to $10,807 aerial is additionally aloft the $10,000 abutment area. Therefore, a circadian abutting beneath $10,000 ability alpha a above abatement in bitcoin amount in the abreast term.

Bitcoin Price Analysis BTC Chart

Looking at the chart, bitcoin amount is trading with a absolute bent aloft the $10,200 and $10,000 abutment levels. As continued as the amount is aloft $10,000, it could abide to rise. Overall, the capital ambition for the beasts could be $11,000 and $11,200.

Technical indicators:

Hourly MACD – The MACD is boring affective aback into the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI for BTC/USD is currently affective college appear the 65 level.

Major Support Levels – $10,400 followed by $10,200.

Major Resistance Levels – $10,800, $11,000 and $11,200.