Bitcoin Price Primed For Fresh Rally And Only 1 Thing Is Holding It Back
technical analysis

Bitcoin Price Primed For Fresh Rally And Only 1 Thing Is Holding It Back

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin is trading aback in an uptrend aloft the 7800 and 7700 abutment levels adjoin the US Dollar BTC could alpha addition able uptrend if it settles aloft 8200

Bitcoin Could Rally Soon

This accomplished week, bitcoin started a downside correction from the $8,473 aerial adjoin the US Dollar. BTC amount beneath beneath the $8,200 and $8,000 abutment levels.

However, the $7,700 and $7,600 levels acted as a strong support. Moreover, the amount backward able-bodied aloft $8,500 and the 100 simple affective boilerplate (4-hours). A beat low is formed abreast $7,659 and bitcoin amount is currently trading higher.

There was a breach aloft the 50% Fib retracement akin of the bottomward move from the $8,473 aerial to $7,659 low. The accepted beachcomber is adverse hurdles abreast the $8,200 attrition area.

Besides, there is a key blemish arrangement basic with attrition abreast $8,160 on the 4-hours chart of the BTC/USD pair. Finally, the 76.4% Fib retracement akin of the bottomward move from the $8,473 aerial to $7,659 low is additionally abreast the $8,280 level.

Therefore, a bright breach aloft the $8,200 and $8,280 levels could set the clip for a beginning rally. In the mentioned bullish case, bitcoin amount could billow appear $8,500 and $8,800.

Main Buy Zones for BTC

Conversely, there are affairs of a downside breach beneath the triangle abutment abreast $7,900 and $7,850. The capital supports and buy zones are abreast $7,700 and $7,600.

A acknowledged abutting beneath the $7,600 abutment could alpha a abundant abatement in the advancing sessions. The abutting above abutment is abreast the 100 simple affective boilerplate (4-hours) at $7,530, beneath which the amount is acceptable to bead appear the $7,000 level.

Looking at the chart, bitcoin amount is assuming signs of a bullish breach aloft the $8,200 resistance. The alone affair captivation it aback is $8,280. A acknowledged abutting aloft $8,280 could set the clip for a able acceleration appear $8,500 and $8,800.

Technical indicators

4 hours MACD – The MACD for BTC/USD is acceptable to accretion bullish momentum.

4 hours RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI for BTC/USD is still aloft the 50 level.

Major Support Level – $7,600

Major Resistance Level – $8,280