Bitcoin Showing Signs of Strength As BTC Price Targets Fresh Highs
technical analysis

Bitcoin Showing Signs of Strength As BTC Price Targets Fresh Highs

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin beasts are accepting drive aloft 5200 adjoin the US Dollar BTC amount may abide to acceleration and it is acceptable to ascend aloft the 5360 and 5400 attrition levels

Bitcoin Price Analysis

In the accomplished three sessions, there were mostly ambit moves beneath $5,300 in bitcoin amount adjoin the US Dollar. Earlier, the BTC/USD brace started a downside correction afterwards trading as aerial as $5,362. It beneath beneath the $5,250 abutment breadth and the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the advancement move from the $4,896 low to $5,362 high. There was additionally a breach beneath the $5,200 abutment afore buyers emerged abreast the $5,150 level. Later, the amount started trading in a ambit aloft the $5,150 akin and the 100 alternate simple affective average.

The amount is additionally trading accurately aloft the 50% Fib retracement akin of the advancement move from the $4,896 low to $5,362 high. More importantly, yesterday’s highlighted cogent ascendance approach is complete with abutment at $5,180 on the alternate blueprint of the BTC/USD pair. The approach support, $5,150, and the 100 alternate SMA authority the key for the abutting move in the abreast term.

As continued as bitcoin amount is afterward the channel, there are affairs of added assets aloft the $5,300 and $5,360 attrition levels. The amount ability alike barter to a new 2024 aerial aloft the $5,380 level. The abutting key attrition is abreast the $5,400 level, breadth sellers ability appear. Conversely, if there is a downside breach beneath the $5,150 support, again there could be added downsides. The abutting actual abutment is at $5,075, beneath which the amount may revisit the $5,000 abutment area.

Bitcoin Price Analysis BTC Chart

Looking at the chart, bitcoin charcoal able-bodied accurate on dips and it could acceleration aloft the $5,300 and $5,360 levels. If beasts abide in action, there are alike affairs of a fasten aloft the $5,400 level. On the downside, the capital abutment is at $5,150, beneath which the gates could accessible for a move appear the $5,000 level.

Technical indicators:

Hourly MACD – The MACD is boring accepting absorption in the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI for BTC/USD is now able-bodied aloft the 50 level, with a absolute angle.

Major Support Levels – $5,150 followed by $5,075.

Major Resistance Levels – $5,300, $5,360 and $5,400.