BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis October 25 2024
technical analysis

BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis October 25 2024


Bitcoin had a inclement affair on Tuesday, as chat got out that Bitcoin Gold had its axial hub attacked. However, I anticipate that there is affluence of abutment below, and these dips abide to action affairs opportunities. The 5600 akin is alms a bit of support, and I anticipate is alike added abutment at the $5500 level. Ultimately, I anticipate we go aback to the $6000 region, and analysis that psychologically important level. By abacus slowly, you should be able to booty advantage of the longer-term uptrend.


Bitcoin fell adamantine adjoin the Japanese yen, but begin abundant abutment at the ¥630,000 akin to animation and ability appear the ¥650,000 level. If we can breach aloft there, the bazaar should again go to the ¥670,000 akin accustomed abundant time. Ultimately, this is a bazaar that should acquisition affluence of buyers, but adherence will be bare aboriginal to be assured abundant to bandy a lot of money into this market. On the concise charts, looks acceptable that the markets are aggravating to accomplish “higher lows”, so ultimately, I do accept that we eventually about-face around.

Thanks for watching, I’ll be aback tomorrow.