Dash Price Technical Analysis – Uptrend Likely To Continue
technical analysis

Dash Price Technical Analysis – Uptrend Likely To Continue


Dash amount antipodal as advancing in yesterday’s post, and climbed aloft 0.0121BTC to barter abreast 0.0125BTC.

Which way it can break?

Yesterday, we accent that there are affairs of a changeabout as there was a alteration acclaimed on the alternate MACD. The amount confused higher, but begin attrition about a acute akin at 0.0125BTC. Sellers reacted about the mentioned attrition breadth and pushed the amount lower. Currently, there is a application triangle formed on the alternate chart, which is acting as a abutment and attrition at the aforementioned time.


Currently, the amount is about a analytical abutment breadth at the 100 alternate simple affective average, i.e. additionally accumbent with the triangle abutment area. So, there a above barrier formed about 0.0119BTC-0.0120BTC. We additionally declared the accent of the declared abutment area. However, there are abounding abstruse indicators, suggesting that there is a accident of a breach lower as a well. The alternate RSI has confused beneath the 50 level, and the MACD is assuming signs of weakness. Overall, there are abounding things that advance sellers ability be able to booty the amount lower in the abreast term.

On the downside, a breach beneath the triangle abutment breadth may conceivably booty the amount lower appear the abutting abutment breadth at 0.0116BTC.

Intraday Support Level – 0.0119BTC

Intraday Resistance Level – 0.0122BTC

On the upside, the triangle attrition breadth could act as a hurdle for buyers. If they administer to bore it added assets are possible. It all depends on which way the amount moves.


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