Dash Price Weekly Analysis – Downside Continuation?
technical analysis

Dash Price Weekly Analysis – Downside Continuation?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Dash Price Key Highlights

Dash sellers were apparent in ascendancy and if they accretion momentum, the amount ability breach 0.0116BTC to barter lower.

Channel Break

We accent a analytical bottomward approach on the alternate chart, which is acting as a agitator for sellers and buyers. There were times back the amount acclimatized beneath the 100 MA and bankrupt aloft it on a few occasions. There is a abutment breadth architecture about 0.0116BTC, which is about the Lower Bollinger Band and the antecedent beat area. Currently, the amount is trading about the 100 MA, the approach attrition breadth and the 38.2% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost leg from the 0.0123BTC aerial to 0.0116BTC.


It has acclimatized aloft the Middle Bollinger Band, but it needs a lot of things afore the amount can billow higher. The alternate RSI has confused aloft the 50 level, which is additionally a absolute signs for buyers. If the Dash amount moves aloft the approach resistance, again there ability be a analysis of the 61.8% Fib level, followed by the bearish trend line. The MACD is branch appear the bullish zone, which may conceivably animate buyers in the abreast term.

Intraday Support Level – 0.0116BTC

Intraday Resistance Level – 0.0121BTC

On the downside, there is a above abutment basic about 0.0116BTC, which is ancillary with the approach trend line. A breach beneath the aforementioned ability booty the amount appear 0.0112BTC. Any added losses ability be bound as sellers charge a acumen to booty the amount lower.

In short, traders charge to delay for a breach afore there can be any above move in a accurate direction.


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