DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis October 27 2024
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis October 27 2024


DASH continues to chop around, aloof beneath the $300 level. I anticipate we are starting to see a cogent bulk of abutment abreast the $280 akin as well, so this point there’s not abundant to do in this bazaar until we can breach aloft the $305 level, as it would appearance a move aloft cogent resistance. At that point, the bazaar will apparently bullwork its way to the $325 level.


Litecoin rallied a bit over the advance of the session, attractive as if we are aggravating to ability appear the $60 level. If we can breach aloft the $60 level, the bazaar should afresh go to the $62 level, and afresh eventually the $70 level. Ultimately, this is a bazaar that looks as if it has a bit of a attic at the $50 level, and accordingly anticipate the markets are starting to favor Litecoin yet again. It ability be choppy, but absolutely positive.

Thanks for watching, I’ll be aback on Monday.