Dogecoin Price Analysis for 02/12/2024 – Selling Rallies?
technical analysis

Dogecoin Price Analysis for 02/12/2024 – Selling Rallies?


Dogecoin amount may balance in the abreast term, but we cannot abandon the actuality that there is a lot of bearish pressure, calling for sell rallies idea.

35.0 Satoshis as Resistance

Dogecoin Price Technical Analysis

Dogecoin amount begin bids abreast 30-32.0 Satoshis, and currently attempting to balance some ground. Our accent trend band and attrition breadth on the alternate blueprint abide intact, and there were abounding attempts by buyers to breach it but they failed. The 100 alternate simple affective boilerplate (price augment from HitBTC) is additionally accumbent about the trend band to act as a barrier in the abreast term.

If we attending at the amount augment from CEX.IO, again there is addition trend band basic via abutting beat highs on the alternate timeframe. An antecedent attrition affective advanced can be about the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost bead from the 40.0 Satoshis high to 30.0 Satoshis low. The best allotment is that the 100 alternate simple affective boilerplate is additionally positioned about the declared fib level.

Dogecoin Price Technical Analysis

So, we can accede 35.0 Satoshis as a monster attrition and attending for a advertise barter abreast the mentioned level.

Hourly MACD – The alternate MACD is converging, and there are no signs of beasts as of now.

Hourly RSI – The RSI is beneath the 50 level, which is a abrogating assurance and may animate sellers.

Intraday Support Level – 30.0 Satoshis

Intraday Resistance Level – 35.0 Satoshis


Charts from HitBTC and CEX.IO; hosted by Trading View