Ethereum (ETH) Hits Final Bearish Target, What’s Next?
technical analysis

Ethereum (ETH) Hits Final Bearish Target, What’s Next?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount is crumbling heavily against the US Dollar and bitcoin bankrupt 7650 ETH is currently acclimation college afterwards tagging the key 154155 abutment area

Ethereum Price Analysis

In the account forecast, we discussed the affairs of a breakdown in Ethereum if it trades beneath the $180 abutment adjoin the US Dollar. ETH amount did achieve beneath the $180 abutment and 100 alternate simple affective average, consistent in a aciculate decline.

The amount bankrupt many supports abreast $172 and $166. Moreover, it is bottomward abutting to 8% today and it afresh activated the $154-$155 abutment breadth (the final accessible ambition for the bears this month).

A new account low was formed abreast $156 and the amount is currently acclimation higher. It traded aloft the $160 level. Besides, there was a breach aloft the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the contempo abatement from the $177 aerial to $156 low.

At the outset, there is a abbreviate appellation application triangle basic with attrition abreast $165 on the alternate blueprint of ETH/USD. Above the triangle resistance, the $166 akin could additionally act as a able hurdle for the bulls.

Additionally, the 50% Fib retracement akin of the contempo abatement from the $177 aerial to $156 low is abreast the $166 level. Therefore, Ethereum amount is acceptable to face a able affairs absorption abreast the $165 and $166 levels.

Once the accepted antidotal beachcomber is complete, the amount ability abatement beneath $160. However, there are affairs of alignment moves aloft the $155 abutment breadth for some time afore the abutting above move.

If there is a downside breach beneath the $154-$155 abutment area, the affairs of a appropriate accretion in the abreast appellation will best acceptable fade. The abutting key abutment is apparent abreast the $142 level.

Looking at the chart, Ethereum amount is acutely disturbing beneath the $166 and $172 level. The accepted beachcomber is acceptable to complete abreast $166 or $172 afore the bears booty aback control. Only a abutting aloft $172 could abatement the accepted bearish pressure.

ETH Technical Indicators

Hourly MACDThe MACD for ETH/USD is boring affective aback into the bullish zone.

Hourly RSIThe RSI for ETH/USD is currently acclimation higher, but it is able-bodied beneath the 40 level.

Major Support Level – $154

Major Resistance Level – $166