Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Can ETH/USD Move Higher?
technical analysis

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Can ETH/USD Move Higher?


Ethereum amount is boring ascent college adjoin the US Dollar and Bitcoin. ETH/USD may ascend college in the abreast appellation aloft the $710 level.

Ethereum Price Resistance

Yesterday, there was a downside move, but it was independent by the $677 akin in ETH amount adjoin the US Dollar. The amount was apparent struggling, but buyers succeeded in preventing any aloft breakdown appear $620. A low was formed at $677 afresh and the amount is currently acclimation higher. It has confused aloft the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost abatement from the $739 aerial to $677 low.

However, there are abounding barriers on the upside for buyers about $708-710. The 100 alternate simple affective boilerplate is positioned abreast $710. Moreover, the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost abatement from the $739 aerial to $677 low is at $708. Therefore, a breach aloft the $708-710 is bare for buyers to accretion upside drive in the abreast term. Aloft $710, the abutting above attrition is abreast $735 and $737. The declared $735 akin acted as a attrition on abounding occasions, and it may abide to anticipate gains.

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis ETH USD

On the downside, there is a abutting bullish trend band basic with accepted support at $685 on the alternate blueprint of ETH/USD. The brace charcoal accurate on the downside about $685. However, it charge acceleration aloft $710 to abstain a downside acknowledgment in the abreast term.

Hourly MACD – The MACD is accepting clip in the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI – The RSI is now placed accurately aloft the 50 akin with absolute signs.

Major Support Level – $685

Major Resistance Level – $710


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