Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – ETH/USD Support Turned Resistance
technical analysis

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – ETH/USD Support Turned Resistance


Ethereum amount is aback in a bearish area adjoin the US Dollar and Bitcoin. ETH/USD has to move aback aloft $645-660 to alpha a beginning upside wave.

Ethereum Price Resistance

There was a fresh alpha of a downside move from able-bodied aloft $675 in ETH amount adjoin the US Dollar. The amount beneath and bankrupt abounding supports such as $675 and $660. The abatement acquired clip already there was a breach beneath the $675 support. It alone by added than $80 and acclimatized beneath the 100 alternate simple affective average. During the decline, there was a abutting beneath a acute axis akin at $548.

More importantly, this week’s accent important bullish trend band with abutment at $660 was breached on the alternate blueprint of ETH/USD. There was alike a downside fasten beneath $600 and the amount traded as low as $595.37. Later, an upside beachcomber was accomplished and the amount confused aloft the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost abatement from the $711 aerial to $595 low. However, the upside move was adequate by the antecedent abutment at $648. Moreover, the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost abatement from the $711 aerial to $595 low additionally acted as a barrier for buyers.

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis ETH USD

Looking at the chart, the amount seems to be disturbing to move aback aloft $648. The declared $648 akin was a abutment beforehand and now it is acting as a hurdle. In the abbreviate term, there could be alignment moves beneath $648 afore the amount makes the abutting move.

Hourly MACD – The MACD has confused aback in the bearish zone.

Hourly RSI – The RSI is now able-bodied beneath the 50 level.

Major Support Level – $595

Major Resistance Level – $642