Ethereum Price Analysis for 28/12/2024 – Bitcoin bounce fades away
technical analysis

Ethereum Price Analysis for 28/12/2024 – Bitcoin bounce fades away

THELOGICALINDIAN - The aciculate jump in Ethereum to 00021BTC was due to a abrupt abatement in bitcoin amount from above440 to 410 But with bitcoin now ascent to 424 Ethereum has boring and steadily bargain the assets to 00020BTC Therefore I do not lay abundant accent on the actuality that Ethereum has abandoned the bottomward trendline abutting the peaks of the accomplished two weeks

As bitcoin charcoal undecided about the approaching advance of action, I do not apprehend above deviations in Ethereum as well.

ethereum amount chart


Now, let us booty a attending at the latest abstruse break from the 4-h ETH-XBT amount blueprint taken from KRAKEN exchange.

Chart Structure – Ethereum is now trading with a bearish bias, and may attack to retest the breached bottomward angled attrition line. The change in polarity makes the trendline an actual support, which calculates out to be 0.0019BTC.

Bollinger Bands – The 20 4-h SMA of 0.0020BTC is currently comestible Ethereum. My apprehension is that the lower ambit of the BB at 0.0019BTC will be activated in the advancing sessions.

Momentum – The Momentum indicator has yet afresh angry bearish, absorption the basal pessimism.

Money Flow Index – The MFI has retraced its accomplish afterwards kissing the overbought territory. The accepted amount of the 4-h MFI is 70.8368.

Relative Strength Index – The RSI is currently assuming a aloof book with a amount of 50.5867.


Ethereum charcoal as anemic as before, therefore, my admonition would be to abbreviate the brace at accepted levels or on college valuations by agreement a bound stop-loss aloft 0.0021BTC. If Bitcoin break the able attic of $400, alone again do I apprehend the brace to cantankerous 0.0021BTC. But, I do not see that accident anytime soon.

Therefore, bazaar participants should abide to body abbreviate positions as Ethereum will best acceptable blow 0.0019BTC in the advancing sessions.