Ethereum Price Weekly Analysis – ETH/USD Could Break Down
technical analysis

Ethereum Price Weekly Analysis – ETH/USD Could Break Down

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount is trading in a abrogating area adjoin the US Dollar and Bitcoin ETHUSD may abide to face sellers and it could anon barter appear 600

Ethereum Price Downtrend

There was a nasty decline in ETH amount from able-bodied aloft $800 this accomplished anniversary adjoin the US Dollar. The amount started a downside move and traded beneath the $800 and $700 abutment levels. The downside burden was advancing and the amount traded as low as $642.63. A accretion beachcomber was accomplished from the mentioned low, but the accretion was capped by the $740 level.

It confused aloft the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost bead from the $873 aerial to $642 low. However, buyers were not able to advance the amount aloft the $740-750 resistance. Moreover, there was a abortion abreast the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost bead from the $873 aerial to $642 low. There was a above bounce acclaimed from the $750 akin and the amount declined. On the upside, there is additionally a key abutting bearish trend line basic with attrition at $710 on the 4-hours blueprint of ETH/USD.

Ethereum Price Weekly Analysis ETH USD

As continued as the amount is beneath the trend band and $720, it charcoal in a downtrend. Further to the topside, there is addition bearish trend band with accepted attrition at $820. On the downside, the contempo low abreast $642 is a abbreviate appellation support. A advance beneath $642 could booty the amount appear $600.

4-hours MACD – The MACD is affective aback in the bearish.

4-hours RSI – The RSI is currently abreast the 30 level.

Major Support Level – $600

Major Resistance Level – $720


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