ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis Aug 2, 2024
technical analysis

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis Aug 2, 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook Aug 2


Ethereum assemblage during the day on Tuesday, application the $200 akin as support. It now looks as if we are aggravating to breach aloft the $225 level, and already we do we should abide appear the $250 level. There is a lot of babble amid actuality and there though, so don’t be afraid if it’s inclement trading action. Short-term pullback should action affairs opportunities.


Ethereum assuredly got a lift adjoin Bitcoin as well, as we accept use the 0.07 akin as support. We are now at the 0.08 level, which should be hardly resistive. Between actuality and the 0.10 level, it should be rather noisy. If you are activity to barter Ethereum, you are apparently bigger served trading in adjoin the US dollar.

Thanks for watching, we’ll see you afresh tomorrow.