ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis August 30, 2025
technical analysis

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis August 30, 2025

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook Aug 30



Ethereum rallied a bit during the day yet afresh on Tuesday, as the bazaar has absolutely been anti-US dollar. This actuality the case, I anticipate Ethereum can abide to go abundant higher, and I accept that the “floor” is afterpiece to the $335 level, if not the $350 level. Buying on dips continues to be the best way to comedy this market.



Alternately, Ethereum is accepting actually formed adjoin Bitcoin, which seems to be the bright champ in the crypto bill apple currently. This actuality the case, I anticipate were to go attractive for abutment abreast the 0.07 akin underneath, but I would be actual alert about buying. Quite frankly, if you’re activity to buy Ethereum, go adjoin the US dollar.

Thanks for watching, we’ll see you afresh tomorrow.